Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery in India: Improving Parkinson's Treatment

There are many neurological disorders like epilepsy, seizures, strokes, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. The treatment for each one of the diseases depends on the severity of the problem. One such procedure that helps patients with Parkinson’s is DBS Surgery in India. . Let us understand about it in detail: 

What is DBS? 

DBS stands for deep brain stimulation. In this surgery, a device is placed into the brain that delivers electrical currents directly to the brain. Each human brain contains millions of neurons, which exchange signals with one another chemically and neutrally. Neurons in various regions of your brain can become less active due to a variety of brain conditions, causing certain areas of your brain to function less effectively. Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery in India can alleviate this symptom by stimulating the neurons with an artificial electrical current. 

The first procedure of DBS was performed in 1995 in France. 

What is the ideal time to undergo DBS surgery? 

In the initial years, Parkinsons disease is controlled by medications. The patients hardly require surgery. medications control the disease, except in 10 to 15 % of cases where the tremors of the patient go uncontrolled. 

However, a few years down the line, when the disease progresses and the side effects of the medicine become visible, a patient needs surgical intervention. As time passes, medicines do not work. We have seen patients changing doctors, but the effects are only short-lived. 

A period develops usually 6 to 7 years after the disease progresses, but it can come earlier in some patients (particularly patients who had PD in their early 40s).

All International experts in the field have thought that in this case, motor fluctuations onset should be a point for starting the surgery conversation.

We suggest surgery to the patient if his disease is not well controlled by medical treatment and his life quality is at a loss.

A landmark 2013 study completed across seven centers in Europe confirmed that providing surgery early in the course of the disease following the onset of motor fluctuations would also improve the quality of life from the disease, reduce the need to take medication and avoid subsequent adverse effects.

What are the benefits of DBS surgery? 

  • A DBS surgery will improve your remission period, which means the period in which you are fully functional. 
  • Awill increase your functional period by 60 to 70 % in a day, and the rest of the day, you will face some motor disabilities, but they will not be so severe. 
  • After a successful DBS surgery in India, we have found that most of the patients can reduce their medications. We have seen some patients being entirely off the medicines. 
  • After the surgery, you will experience significant benefits in tremors, hallucinations, depression and overall feeling that your quality of life is being improved. 

How is Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Performed? 

Broadly speaking, the surgical procedure will vary from patient to patient. A typical procedure involves the following steps: 

  • A surgical procedure will involve admission of the patient on day 1, which will be followed by an MRI. 
  • On the second day, anesthesia will be given, followed by the surgery of electrode implantation on day 3. 
  • On day 4, pacemaker implantation is done . 

Usually, the patient stays in the hospital for six to seven days. During this time, your pacemaker is observed. 

What is the follow-up schedule? 

The initial programming will benefit 70 % of the patients. However, there are some cases where the patients need reprogramming in the first three months of the surgery, once the initial effect of the surgery wears off. 

Patients should always be prepared to come back for the reprogramming three months post- their Deep Barin Stimulation Surgery in India

What are the different types of pacemakers used for DBS surgery? 

Presently two companies in India offer pacemakers for DBS surgery. 

  • The first one is Medtronic, which offers both rechargeable and non-rechargeable pacemakers. These pacemakers are MRI compatible and when you meet us, we will connect you with the best doctors for DBS surgery in India, to know whether you should have a rechargeable or non-rechargeable pacemaker. 
  • The second company Boston Scientific offers rechargeable pacemakers with a life of 25 years. These pacemakers are not MRI-compatible. 

At Cross Border Care, we are dedicated to connecting you with the best hospitals and medical professionals in India for deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. India offers world-class healthcare facilities and expertise at affordable rates, making it an ideal destination for this procedure. With our expert guidance, you will have access to experienced neurosurgeons who specialize in DBS and the latest technology, ensuring the highest standards of care. Choose India for DBS surgery to improve your quality of life with significant cost savings, without compromising on medical excellence. Contact us today for expert assistance!

October 26, 2024



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