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It is someone who helps to secure your health care by giving you guidance on all aspects of your treatment. This may include reviewing your diagnosis, discussing your treatment options, helping you decide your doctor and formulating a treatment plan specially customized for you. We score over others because the 'treatment advocates' in our company are medical professional themselves who are involved in each step of patient management. It is good to have an experienced 'treatment advocate' if you are planning for any surgical, transplant, cosmetic, reproductive or dental procedure in India.
Our main objective is to assist you in getting the best care possible for your problems. We aim to ensure your physical, mental and social well being throughout your treatment, recovery and beyond.
Our company firmly believes in maintaining transparency in transactions and our clients will bear testimony to the same. Our forte is honesty and commitment. We are strong advocates of 'Evidence based Treatment' and we will support you in obtaining a second opinion also, if required. We have ample knowledge of the medical industry, having catered to the same for the past more than a decade. We will not confine ourselves to a doctor's credentials and patient safety record. We understand that hospitals and their processes are equally important for a smooth patient care. We analyse their administrative practices, infection control procedures, recordkeeping and professionalism. We further look into the quality of nursing care especially records of medication errors.