.... ...... Dr. K R Vasudevan - Crossborders Care Dr. K R Vasudevan - Crossborders Care

Dr. K R Vasudevan

Dr. K R Vasudevan Director, Department of Liver Transplant, Jaypee Hospital

Liver Transplant
  • Qualification
  • Experience

Dr. K R Vasudevan, one of the top liver transplant surgeons in Delhi, was a member of the first group of doctors who began performing liver transplants on live donors in India between 2004 and 2007. He has been involved in more than 1200 liver transplant operations and has developed a number of ground-breaking concepts. His team has assisted other doctors in launching transplant programmes at their separate facilities across the world, and he is also active in the training of medical professionals in liver transplantation. The Transplant Society recognised Dr. Vasudevan as a key opinion leader in 2011, the International Liver Transplant Society awarded him a travel grant for his abstract at the 18th Annual International Conference in 2012 (to Dr. Giriraj, a fellow presenter of his concept), and the International Liver Transplant Society gave him a “Young Investigator Award” for his abstract at the 13th Annual International Conference in 2007. Through his visits, he taught numerous staff at a government hospital in Gambhat, Pakistan, to improve their liver transplant programme.

  • Recognised as key opinion leader by The Transplant Society in 2011
  • Travel grant by International Liver Transplant Society for abstract at the 18th Annual International Conference, 2012 (to Dr Giriraj, my fellow on presenting my concept)
  • “Young Investigator Award” by International Liver Transplant Society for abstract at the 13th Annual International Conference, 2007
  • Association of Surgeons of India
  • Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology
  • Indian chapter, International Hepato Pancreatico Biliary Association
  • Founder Member, Liver Transplant Society of India
  • International Liver Transplant Society (ILTS)

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Area of Interest

  • Laparoscopic Live Donor
  • Cadaver Liver transplant
  • Gallbladder and Bile Duct Surgery
  • Abdominoperineal Resection
  • Abscess Pelvic Treatment
  • Liver Transplant on Adults and Children
  • Liver surgery
  • Pancreatic Cancer Resection
  • Abscess – Intra Abdominal Treatment
  • Abscess – Subphrenic Treatment



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