.... ...... Dr. Mohit Sharma - Crossborders Care Dr. Mohit Sharma - Crossborders Care

Dr. Mohit Sharma

Dr. Mohit Sharma Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Senior Consultant & Head)- Amrita Hospital

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Senior Consultant & Head)
  • Qualification
  • Experience

Dr. Mohit Sharma is an expert in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, skilled in using microvascular techniques to address complex reconstructive issues. After completing his specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi in 2002, he has worked at Amrita Hospital in Kochi for the past 20 years. His team is renowned for launching India’s first Vascularised Composite Allotransplantation (VCA) program in 2015 and has gained significant experience in the field of Hand Transplantation. Dr. Sharma has also completed clinical fellowships in Burns and Hand Surgery at St. Andrew’s Center for Plastic Surgery, which is the largest burns unit and one of the largest reconstructive surgery units in the UK. He has trained and observed various leaders in the field of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.

  • The prestigious PEET Prize for Ideas and Innovation was awarded to the paper on
  • “Functional reconstruction of Near total glossectomy defects using composite Gastro omental and dynamic Gracilis free flaps” in Hyderabad at the conference of APSICON 2006.
  •  “Anatomic basis for selecting the side of fibula free flap for mandibular reconstruction” was awarded the PEET Prize for the second time in the Ideas and Innovations category at the national plastic surgery meeting, APSICON 2013 in Mumbai.
  •  The Indian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery also recognized the innovation of a new technique of vascular coupling, “Triple clip anastomosis,” with the Ideas and Innovation award in 2021.

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Area of Interest

  • Facial reanimation
  • Ear reconstruction
  • Rhinoplasty and Nasal reconstruction
  • Genital reconstruction for congenital and acquired deformities
  • Breast reconstruction for Benign and Malignant conditions
  • Diabetic foot reconstruction
  • Head and Neck reconstruction for benign and malignant defects
  • Surgery for Lymphedema
  • Burns management -Acute conditions and post-burn deformities correction
  • Congenital anomalies and traumatic conditions of upper lower limbs



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