.... ...... Dr. Surender Dabas - Crossborders Care Dr. Surender Dabas - Crossborders Care

Dr. Surender Dabas

Dr. Surender Dabas Robotic Head & Neck Cancer Surgeon

BLK-Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
  • Qualification
  • Experience

Dr. Surender Kumar Dabas is one of the best robotic surgeons in Delhi. He has more than 12 Years of experience in the field of Robotic Head and Neck Surgery. In fact, he has performed the maximum number of Robotic Head and Neck Surgery in Asia. He has also started a Robotic surgeon fellowship in the area of head and neck oncology. He is one of the few doctors in India, who started treating Cancer through Robotic Surgery hospitals in India which helps patients with faster and better recovery. He is a professional Robotic surgeon who has performed various Robotic surgeries with great degree of accuracy. He is a pioneer in Robotic Head and Neck Surgery in India. He completed his training in the field of robotic surgery from many centers like Upenn in Philadelphia and Yonsei Cancer University, Korea. He then took up this technology to Thorax, Gynecology and Urology. No doubt being the best robotic surgeon in India, he performs many types of complex surgeries with more flexibility, precision and control over the robotic techniques. His surgery success rate generally varies from 94% to 100%. According to Dr. Surrender Kumar Dabas, the Cost of Robotic Surgery in India depends upon the hospitals and the condition of the patients. BLK Max Super Speciality Hospital is one of the largest private sector hospitals located in Delhi. It is spread over 6,50,000 sq. feet having 650 bed capacity. It has 17 state of the art modular operation theaters and has installed one of the most advanced Robotic Surgery Systems.

  • Gold Medalist in Pathology 2nd Professional MBBS Examination
  • Awarded as best Oncology Doctor by Samita Mishra Memorial Foundation
  • Chairman Appreciation Awards in Oncology by Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute
  • Fellowship, Skull base surgery, and Robotic Head and Neck Surgery, at MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
  • Fellowship, at South Korea for Robotic Thyroid and Neck Surgery


  • Foundation of Head – Neck Oncology
  • Medical Council of Delhi
  • International Guild of Endoscopic & Robotic Head – Neck Surgeons
  • Indian Association of Surgical Oncology (IASO)

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Area of Interest

  • Robotic head and neck cancer surgery
  • Trans – Oral Robotic Surgery
  • Robotic GI Surgery
  • Breast Cancer Treatment
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Gynae Cancer Surgery



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