.... ...... Indian penile prosthesis vs imported prosthesis surgery in India - Crossborders Care Indian penile prosthesis vs imported prosthesis surgery in India - Crossborders Care

Indian penile prosthesis vs imported prosthesis surgery in India - Crossborders Care

Indian penile prosthesis vs  imported surgery in India

Dr Shailesh Chandra Sahay , Associate Director at  Max Super Speciality Hospital at Uro Oncology and kidney transplant unit explains  about cost effective penile implant surgery in India.

Erectile dysfunction is one of the disease that no wants to talk about may be due to its social taboo or may be patient is not able to communicate that is having Erectile dysfunction. But I would say that the patients’ quality of life is the most important thing and when the patients is suffering from ED and when all the conservative treatment has been given to the patients and patient  is still not responding to the medicines then we go should go for the surgical treatment.

What is the best surgical treatment option available for erectile dysfunction patient?

So what are the surgical options available for treating erectile dysfunction or impotence? So as you know penile implant s one of the devices by which we treat such patients by putting a device inside the penile shaft here at Max Super specialty Hospital, India.  There are various types of penile implant available in India. And normally what we are doing we are offering all sorts of penile prosthesis to our ED patients.

Shah penile prosthesis vs American made AMS prosthesis

The cheapest penile implant available in India is Shah prosthesis that we are using that’s basically a malleable silicon implant that we place inside the penile shaft and patients gets discharged very next day of the surgery. And after a month’s time he is able to do all his sexual activities like a normal person. He will have a firm erection with excellent satisfaction rate.

There are other implants also available which are imported ones that comes with the name of AMS which are quite costlier and we are doing those also however all the patients are not able to afford it. so I would say that if I do ten implants then almost nine gets Indian Shah prosthesis and let me tell you that inspite being a very economical implant the results are excellent so those patients who have operated by me they are quite satisfied and I have got received a single complaint till date by those patients.

So if you see the cost then I would say AMS costs twenty times higher than Shah Prosthesis. Indian version is very cheap and durability is also very good. So its all depends on patient’s affordability and budget but I would say that if you are looking for a cheaper but effective options for your erectile dysfunction than the Indian prosthesis is excellent choice and patients from various countries like Iraq and Congo are coming to us to avail such options with excellent sexual satisfaction.

What is the cost of penile implant surgery in India?

Indian made shah penile prosthesis costs you around 3000$ whereas AMS will cost around 18000$.

April 19, 2023



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