Robotic Prostatectomy vs Laparoscopic Prostatectomy - Crossborders Care

Prostate cancer is one of the rising cancers among men. Hence, many men in their older years have to go for surgical procedures to treat this cancer. The best approaches cover the use of robotic prostatectomy and laparoscopic prostatectomy.

So today, let us focus on understanding prostate cancer treatment in India in detail. We’ll go through the key differences between these two procedures for a better understanding based on the different factors involved.

Robotic Prostatectomy

It is the surgery to remove the prostate gland in males suffering from prostate cancer. It is a minimally invasive process and is completed using a surgical robot called da Vinci Surgical System. This robot is controlled by a professional surgeon during the surgery.

Robotic prostatectomy is superior to laparoscopic prostatectomy as it involves decreased blood loss, improved visualization with 3D imaging, and improves dexterity. Further, it ensures smooth sexual and urine functioning which is not expected in laparoscopic prostatectomy.

Pros of Robotic Prostatectomy

Minimally Invasive Surgery: Firstly, robotic prostate cancer surgery requires small incisions when compared to traditional surgery to remove the prostate gland in men suffering from prostate cancer. It reduced damage to surrounding tissues.

Reduced Complication Chances: The different risks associated with the removal of the prostate gland are significantly reduced in this procedure. Hence, the overall complication chances of complications in patients undergoing robotic prostatectomy decrease.

 Increased Precision : The high-definition 3D view of the surgical site offered by the robot to the surgeon ensures high levels of precision for every patient. Hence, the chances of accurate removal of the prostate gland significantly increase.

 Enhanced Results: This prostate cancer treatment in India focuses on excellent cancer control and functional outcomes. It covers normal sexual function and urinary continence as it is performed using robots and by professionals only.

Cons of Robotic Prostatectomy

Limited Expert Surgeons : The number of surgeons performing robotic prostate cancer surgery is limited when compared with the surgeons performing traditional surgeries for the removal of the prostate gland suffering from cancer.

Expensive Surgery: The cost of robotic prostate cancer surgery in India is high when compared to traditional surgery.

Laparoscopic Prostatectomy

It is another surgical alternative for patients suffering from prostate cancer and requires small incisions in the abdomen. The surgery is performed using specialized surgical equipment and a camera called the laparoscope.

Pros of Laparoscopic Prostatectomy

Faster recovery: It is easy for the patients to return to their normal routines after undergoing this surgery. Hence, it is ideal for modern busy men having strict work and personal schedules.

Enhances cosmetic outcomes: The laparoscopic prostatectomy uses small incisions and hence offers a better cosmetic outcome with small scars only. Hence, it is suitable for patients concerned about the appearance of their surgical scars.

Increased visualization: The use of the laparoscope in the surgery offers a magnified and high-definition image of the surgical site to the surgeons. Hence, the level of precision in this surgery significantly increases.

 Require small incisions: The laparoscopic prostatectomy requires the insertion of the camera and other specialized instruments in the patient’s body using small multiple incisions. Hence, the overall incisions are small when compared to the traditional surgical process.

Cons of Laparoscopic Prostatectomy

 Not suitable for all patients: Patients suffering from large tumours or other anatomical variations may not be ideal for the laparoscopic prostatectomy process.

High costs: The cost of laparoscopic prostatectomy in India is high compared to traditional surgery due to the use of specialized tools for the process.

Robotic Prostatectomy vs Laparoscopic Prostatectomy

While both these prostatectomy surgeries are minimally invasive processes, they are different from each other based on the following factors:

 Type of Control

The control in the robotic prostatectomy is by a surgeon using robotic arms equipped with surgical instruments from a console in an operating room. There are no issues like surgeon’s hand tremors leading to more accuracy.

The control in the laparoscopic prostatectomy is direct manipulation using the laparoscopic instruments inserted in the abdomen using small incisions. Hence, issues of injuries due to surgeon’s hand tremors are common.


When coming to the ergonomics associated with these prostate cancer treatments in India, robotic prostatectomy offers a highly precise setup for surgeons to reduce fatigue and increase comfort. These have swift movements for quick access to any deep area in the abdomen.

The laparoscopic prostatectomy offers limited tactile feedback to the surgeons as they fail to feel and manipulate tissues with their hands. Here, tools can move straight only.


Robotic prostatectomy offers a high-definition and 3D view of the surgical site for better visualization of the prostate gland and its surroundings. Hence, it is easy to save the prostatic nerve which prevents issues of erectile dysfunction.

The laparoscopic prostatectomy uses equipment with limited degrees of freedom which limits the level of visualization creating issues with the prostatic nerve.

Improved sex life

The sex life of the patient after the robotic prostate cancer surgery is normal while the same is not assured in the laparoscopic prostatectomy. It is because robotic prostatectomy can spare the nerve.

Summing Thoughts

Hope everything is clear to our readers about the key differences between robotic prostatectomy and laparoscopic prostatectomy. It is easy to understand their pros and cons, followed by a quick comparison between the two.

The final decision for making a choice between available surgical processes depends on the patient’s condition, previous medical records, and advice of the medical professional.

April 19, 2024



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