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Brain tumor surgery in India is a critical medical procedure that requires expert medical professionals, cutting-edge…
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Ptosis is a condition when your eyelids droop over your eyes. This can impair your vision and can also lead to some serious complications. This condition can be present by birth and developed later in life. Another name for this condition is blepharoptosis, or droopy eyelid.
Ptosis surgery is an operation that is done to tighten the muscles that will lift your upper eyelid. India is the right choice if you are struggling with sagging eyelids and looking for an affordable treatment. This section will discuss ptosis and how you can get its treatment in India.
Types of Ptosis
Congenital ptosis means that your child was born with this condition. Problems with the levator muscle lead to congenital ptosis.
This type of eyelid ptosis affects adults in the later part of their life. This condition occurs when your levator muscles weaken or separate from your eyelid.
The causes of ptosis vary from patient to patient. Numerous reasons can be behind ptosis. They can be:
Other causes
Other reasons for a droopy eyelid requiring ptosis surgery can include:
● Injury to the upper eyelid muscle, including the levator muscle
● Disease of the levator muscle and any other muscle that lifts the upper eyelid, such as myasthenia gravis
● Damage to the nerve supplying the muscle that lifts the eyelid
You can tell if your child is suffering from ptosis by the appearance of the eyelids. It may cover only your upper eye, but it can also cover your entire pupil. Other symptoms include:
● Excessive rubbing of eyes
● Increased tearing
● Impaired vision
● Tiredness or achiness in the eyes
● Eye strain or headache
● Dry or watery eyes
What happens if ptosis is not treated?
If your child has congenital ptosis, you have to get it treated as soon as possible. Mild ptosis does not cause serious vision problems; no treatment is required. However, severe ptosis can lead to some severe complications.
It is a condition when your eyelid puts pressure on the front of your eye. It can change the shape of your eye. This can lead to problems in your vision.
Eyelid Ptosis can also lead to lazy eyes.
Chin-up position
When your child has to tilt their chin up to be able to see beyond their drooping eyelids, it can cause neck problems, tighten forehead muscles, and developmental delays.
Tests to diagnose ptosis include:
● Slit lamp examination
● Visual field testing
● Eye movement test
● Tensilon test
The treatment of eyelid lift in India depends on its cause and severity. It is essential to contact a professional ophthalmologist in India to determine the course of the treatment.
Here are some treatment options available for ptosis in India:
If ptosis is mild, the doctors recommend conservative management. This involves monitoring the condition over time.
Eyelid crutches
Eyelid crutches are for people who deal with mild ptosis. These devices are attached to eyeglasses and help lift the droopy eyelid.
Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Injections
In some cases, particularly when the droopy eyelid is mild and caused by muscle weakness, botulinum toxin injections may be considered. Botox injections can help lift the eyelid by temporarily paralyzing the muscles and pulling them downward.
Treatment for Congenital Ptosis
For cases of congenital ptosis (present from birth), surgery is often the primary treatment option. The timing of surgery may vary depending on the individual case and the child’s overall health.
Surgery is a common and effective treatment for moderate to severe ptosis. The different surgical techniques to correct ptosis are:
Levator Resection involves shortening the levator muscles to lift the eyelid to the forehead.
Frontalis Sling Surgery: This surgery uses a sling to connect the eyelid to the forehead muscles.
Blepharoplasty: Ptosis surgery is combined with eyelid rejuvenation.
Treatment for Congenital Ptosis
For cases of congenital ptosis (present from birth), surgery is often the primary treatment option. The timing of surgery may vary depending on the individual case and the child’s overall health.
Understanding surgery in detail
Before the surgery
● The treatment will begin with a consultation with an experienced ophthalmologist and plastic surgeon.
● It would help if you underwent a series of medical examinations to determine the underlying cause of ptosis.
● If you smoke, stop smoking to reduce complications after the surgery.
● Try to maintain a healthy weight. Risks increase if you are overweight.
● Regular exercise will help you prepare for the operation.
● When you come to the hospital, practice handwashing and wear a mask to avoid infection.
● Talk to your healthcare provider about the medications you take. You will have to stop taking medications before the surgery.
● Do not eat or drink anything before the surgery.
During the surgery
● The eyelid surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on your preference.
● The surgeon will make an opening in the skin of your upper eyelid.
● The incision will help the surgeon to find the small muscle that raises your eyelid. He will then place stitches to tighten this muscle(levator) and raise your eyelid. The incision is then closed with the stitches.
● If the levator muscle is extremely weak, the surgeon might attach or suspend the eyelid from smaller muscles in the eyebrow so the forehead muscles can lift.
After the surgery
● You will be closely monitored in the recovery area after the eyelid surgery.
● It is common to experience some swelling and bruising in the initial days of the surgery.
● You should be able to go home after a few hours.
● Do not get your eyelid wet; exercise strenuously or bend until the stitches are removed.
● Do not wear eye makeup or drink alcohol for a few weeks, and keep your face out of the sun.
● Stay away from swimming for four weeks.
● Regular exercise should help you to return to normal activities as soon as possible. Before exercising, ask the healthcare team or your GP for advice.
● The results of ptosis surgery may take some time to become apparent fully.
● Infection of the surgical site
● Allergic reaction to the equipment, materials, or medication
● Chest infection
● Over-correction, where your eyelid is lifted too high
● Under-correction, where your eyelid is not lifted enough
● Bleeding into your eye socket
● Recurrent ptosis
Ptosis Prevention
● Protect your eye from UV rays and dust
● Take good eye care
● Follow healthy lifestyle
● Avoid eye strain
● Take prompt treatment if you observe any change in your vision
The prognosis for ptosis depends on its underlying cause and the individual’s overall health. In cases where ptosis is age-related or due to muscle weakness, the condition may progress gradually. Surgical intervention often corrects the drooping eyelid and restores a more natural appearance.
For congenital eyelid ptosis (present from birth), the prognosis depends on the severity of the condition. Early intervention, such as surgery, is often recommended to improve visual development and prevent complications like amblyopia (lazy eye).
In cases where ptosis is associated with more serious underlying medical conditions, the prognosis may be influenced by the management of those conditions.
It’s important to note that eyelid surgery is generally considered safe and effective. However, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications. A qualified healthcare professional can provide a more accurate prognosis based on an individual’s circumstances. If you suspect or are diagnosed with ptosis, it’s advisable to consult with an ophthalmologist or a plastic surgeon for a personalized treatment plan.
Hospital | Best Doctor | USD Cost |
Center for Sight Eye Hospital | Dr. Mahipal S Sachdev | 2000 |
Eye 7 Eye Hospital | Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary | 2000 |
The Sight Avenue | Dr. Suraj Munjal | 2000 |
Medanta the Medicity | Dr. Sudipto Pakrasi | 2200 |
Max Healthcare | Dr. Tarun Kapur | 2300 |
Cross Border Care is here for you if you are looking for trustworthy treatment consultants in India. We will help you find the best doctor in India and get your treatment done for JCI-accredited hospitals at the most pocket-friendly rates. Our team includes experienced medical professionals with you at each treatment step. So, if you are planning your ptosis surgery in India, fill out the form below, and we will help you to choose the best doctor and hospital providing state-of-the-art technology.
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