Brain Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) Surgery in India

AVM Surgery in India

AVM Surgery in India: Your Health, Our Priority

An arteriovenous malformation is an abnormal tangle of blood vessels that connect arteries and veins in the brain. The arteries carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the brain, whereas veins carry oxygen-depleted blood from the heart to the lungs. For people who suffer from AVM, this normal process is disrupted. 

The cause of AVM is still not clear. Many people have it from birth, while some develop it later in life. In this article, we will delve into the surgical options available for the treatment of AVM in India and we will also look into how you can access the best AVM surgery in India. Please continue reading to learn everything about AVM and its treatment in India. 

Arteriovenous Malformation Surgery in Delhi: Lets know the symptoms 

 The signs and symptoms of AVM do not appear until it ruptures, resulting in brain hemorrhage. Some people may also experience other symptoms like: 

  • Seizures
  • Headache
  • Muscle weakness
  • Weakness or paralysis
  • Vision loss
  • Difficulty in speaking
  • Unsteadiness

Some important facts you should know about AVM

  • Usually, the symptoms of AVM start appearing between ages 10 to 40. AVM damages brain tissues slowly, and symptoms appear in early adulthood. 
  • AVMs become stable in middle age. 
  • The most severe AVM involves a vein of Galen. It causes major symptoms that appear after birth. The vessel causes an accumulation of fluid in the brain leading to swelling in the brain. 

AVM Surgery in India: Understanding the Causes

AVMs have an unknown cause. The majority of brain AVMs form during fetal development. However, they can also develop after birth. People with Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), may develop brain AVMs.

In arteries, blood flows through increasingly smaller vessels, ending in capillaries, which slow blood flow. Capillaries deliver oxygen to surrounding brain tissue through their thin, porous walls. The oxygen-depleted blood passes through small blood vessels and into larger veins to replenish oxygen. In an AVM, the arteries and veins lack this network of smaller blood vessels. As a result, blood bypasses surrounding tissues by flowing directly from arteries to veins. To correct this defect, you need arteriovenous malformation surgery

Why is it necessary to treat the brain AVM?

  • Since AVMs put extreme pressure on the walls of the arteries and veins, there are chances of life-threatening bleeding. Hence it is essential to have arteriovenous malformation surgery in India, to treat the issue.  
  • The blood does not flow through capillaries in people with brain AVM. Instead flows directly from arteries to veins. As a result, surrounding brain tissues cannot absorb oxygen due to the fast speed of the blood. Without sufficient oxygen, brain tissues die hence leading to a stroke. 
  • Some AVMs are big, and they compress certain portions of the brain. This can even lead to brain damage. 

How are arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) diagnosed?

 Best doctors for AVN surgery in India, will order some imaging tests to detect AVM. These tests include:

  • MRA ( Cerebral magnetic resonance angiography)
  • CTA ( Computed tomography angiography )
  • Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound

Treatment Options available in India to treat AVM

Treatment choice depends on the location, type, and size of AVM. Treating this condition as soon as possible is the best way to avoid serious complications. The various treatment options available are:

  • Surgery: Doctors make a small incision near the AVM, sealing the surrounding veins and arteries. This doesn’t let them bleed. Through AVM Surgery in India, the blood flow is directed to normal blood vessels. 
  • Embolization: During this procedure, a catheter gets inserted into an artery in your groin and moves to the AVM location. After that, a glue-like substance, coils, or another substance is injected into the AVM to slow or stop blood flow. Usually, this approach is used when the AVMs are big and have a lot of blood flowing through them.
  • Gamma Knife Surgery: In this method, highly focused radiation beams dissolve AVM and make it easier to remove via surgery. 

Embolization Surgery in India: Understanding the most popular treatment option in detail

Embolization is a minimally invasive procedure to treat AVM in India. It blocks or reduces the blood flow to the abnormal blood vessels. Let us understand everything about it in detail.

Before the Surgery

  • You may be asked to undergo a series of medical exams like an MRI, CT scan, and angiogram. This helps to determine the size and location of AVM. 
  • You will meet with an interventional radiologist to discuss the embolization procedure’s risks and benefits.
  • You must follow certain instructions before the surgery, like fasting before the procedure and avoiding smoking, alcohol, and blood thinning medications. 
  • You will also undergo certain tests like kidney function, heart function, liver function, and blood clotting time to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the embolization surgery in India. 
  • If the procedure requires anesthesia, you will also have a detailed meeting with the anesthesiologist to determine anesthesia options.

During the Surgery

  • Anesthesia: The AVM Surgery in Indraprastha Apollo Hopsital begins with giving a local anesthetic to the place where the catheter has to be inserted. In some cases, general anesthesia is given too. 
  • Catheter Insertion: The surgeon will insert a small flexible catheter into a blood vessel in the groin area. This is done using real-time X-Ray guidance. The catheter is taken to the location of the abnormality. 
  • Angiography: Once the catheter is in the right place, a dye is inserted, and X-Ray images are taken to visualize the area of abnormality. 
  • Embolization Material Delivery: Once the target area is identified, the embolic material is delivered through the catheter to block blood flow. The material can be tiny particles, glue-like substances, coils, or liquids. The choice depends on the area to be targeted. 
  • Follow-Up Angiography: Once the embolic material is in place, additional angiography is done to determine its effectiveness. It is done to ensure that AVM is shrinking. 

After the Surgery

  • Depending on your condition, you will be transferred to an intensive care unit (ICU).
  • A physician will closely monitor your vital signs to detect immediate complications or changes in your condition after  arteriovenous malformation surgery in India.
  • Pain medications or other appropriate pain management techniques are prescribed during recovery to ensure your comfort.
  • You will be observed for complications, such as bleeding, infection, or adverse reactions to medications. 
  • Recovery time depends on the specific condition treated and the patient’s individual response.
  • An angiography or CT scan may be performed to confirm that the embolization is effective and blood flow to the target area has reduced.
  • The length of the hospital stay depends on the procedure and your condition. Some people are discharged on the same day, while others need more recovery.
  • You and your caregivers will receive specific discharge instructions regarding wound care, medication management, physical activity limitations, and any required follow-up appointments. You must follow these instructions closely to promote healing.
  • Embolization is followed up by regular follow-up appointments to assess long-term effectiveness. Follow-up visits will depend on each case and how the healthcare team recommends them.

Knowing More About Coil Used During the Surgery

Bare platinum coils are made of biocompatible platinum alloy with no additional covering or coating. It is a non-reactive material that is well-suited for use in the human body. The coil’s size and shape primarily depend upon the location of the abnormality of the AVM. At the same time, its diameter ranges from 0.015 inches to 0.038 inches. These coils may last up to 20 years after the , arteriovenous malformation surgery in Delhi.

Advantages of Embolization

Embolization has several advantages. Let’s look at them:

  • It is a minimally invasive procedure requiring less extensive surgery than other surgical options. Hence it involves fewer scars and faster recovery time. 
  • It is used to treat AVM by targeting abnormal blood vessels. Hence the surrounding tissues are preserved. 
  • Embolization can reduce the blood flow to abnormal blood vessels. It prevents complications caused by AVM by introducing embolic materials to block the blood vessels.
  • Embolization can be customized to meet individual needs. An interventional radiologist or surgeon can adjust the type and amount of embolic material used to target specific blood vessels.
  • Embolization may be used in conjunction with other treatments. It can be performed before surgery to reduce tumor size or AVM, making surgery easier and safer.
  • Embolization surgery in India can often be performed as an outpatient procedure or with a short stay in the hospital. Patients can return to their normal activities faster, and healthcare costs are reduced.
  • The risk of complications associated with embolization generally is lower than that of open surgery.
  • The embolization procedure can be repeated if necessary. When embolization does not completely resolve the condition in a single procedure, the procedure can be repeated to further control blood flow.

Top Hospitals For AVM Surgery In India

Hospital Best Doctor Cost 
Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi

(JCI Accreditation)

Dr Himanshu Agarwal

Exp: 15 Years 

(Senior Consultant: Interventional Neurology)

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital

(JCI Accreditation)

Dr Harsh Rastogi

Exp: 29 Years 

(Consultant & Clinical Co-ordinator, Radiology Department)

Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram

(JCI Accreditation)

Dr Vijay Kant Dixit

Exp: 20 Years 

(Director of Interventional Neurocardiolog)


How can you avail the best AVM Surgery in India-Step By Step process?

Cross Border Care is here for you if you are looking for trustworthy treatment consultants in India. We will help you find the best doctor in India and get your treatment done for JCI-accredited hospitals at the most pocket-friendly rates. Our team includes experienced medical professionals with you at each treatment step. So, if you are planning your AVM surgery in India, fill out the form below, and we will help you to choose the best doctor and hospital providing state-of-art-technology.

We score over others because our company’s ‘treatment consultants’ are medical professionals involved in each step of patient care. An experienced ‘treatment consultant’ is good if you plan any medical treatment in India.

We will help you to find the best Brain Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) Surgery Doctors in India.  



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