Best Ways to Increase Sperm Count: The Ultimate Guide to Sperm Health - Crossborders Care

Fertility doctors consider sperm count to be an important factor for fertility. Sperm count is the average number of sperm present in one semen sample. Based on recent studies by WHO ( World Health Organization), experts consider a healthy sperm count to be 15 million per milliliter of semen.

A sperm count under 15 million per ml is considered to be low and one of the main causes of fertility issues. It is said that certain medical conditions like genetic disorders, infections, and tumors are considered to be the main reasons for low sperm count.


However, some lifestyle choices and natural remedies can also help you in boosting sperm count.

Thus, this blog has developed the best ways to increase sperm count and your pregnancy chances. Read on to gain some valuable insights.

Best Ways to Increase Sperm Count: Fertility Fuels

 Here are some of the best ways to increase sperm count:

Lose that extra weight now.

Lose weight if you are overweight. It is the most effective way to improve sperm count. According to recent studies, weight loss can increase sperm volume, concentration, mobility, and the overall health of the sperm. To accomplish your weight loss goals, we recommend you take the help of a certified nutritionist and change your eating habits.

Exercising is the Key.

 If your weight is normal, but you are still dealing with low sperm count, an active lifestyle can help. According to studies, outdoor exercises can help sperm health more than other exercises. Make sure to incorporate outdoor exercises into your routine, as they will also help you lose weight and benefit your sperm health.

Check your Vitamin Levels.

Vitamins D, C, and E are important to increase sperm count. Taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily can help improve sperm concentration and mobility. It can boost the chances of conceiving successfully. Moreover, Vitamin D also enhances fertility levels. We suggest you talk to your doctor and check your vitamin levels if you struggle with a low sperm count.

Avoid Substance Abuse

 Low sperm count and unhealthy sperm are also linked with the people who :

  • Doing heavy drinking means consuming two drinks per day.
  • Use tobacco of any kind.
  • Illegal drug use, including cocaine and anabolic steroids.

If you consume any of the substances mentioned above and are facing difficulties in getting pregnant, we suggest you stop the consumption of these substances at once. If you are facing trouble in quitting, talk to your doctor and join the programs that help treat addiction.

Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Sexually transmitted infections — such as chlamydia and gonorrhea — can cause infertility in men. Here is how you can avoid STIs:

  • Limiting the number of sexual partners
  • Always using a condom for sex
  • Stay in a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who isn’t infected

Get Enough Zinc

 Zinc is an essential mineral for the body and is found in high amounts in animal foods, meat, fish, and eggs. Getting enough zinc is one of the natural ways to increase sperm count. Low zinc levels are associated with low testosterone levels, poor sperm quality, and increased risk of male infertility. Zinc will increase your testosterone levels, and hence your sperm count too. Some foods containing zinc are:

  • Shellfish
  • Meat
  • Lamb
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains

Avoid Certain Prescription Medicines.

Some prescription medicines can drastically affect your sperm count. Once you stop taking these medications,there will be higher chances of  improving sperm count

Medications that temporarily reduce your sperm count are:

  • Certain antibiotics
  • Anti-androgens
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Opiates
  • Antidepressants
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Supplementary testosterone

Males dealing with low sperm counts should get in touch with their healthcare provider if they believe that medications are responsible for infertility.

Try Ashwagandha

 Ashwagandha is a medical herb that Indians have used since ancient times. Studies say the ashwagandha improves testosterone levels and thus helps in boosting sperm count . Ashwagandha root can increase sperm count and improve semen volume, sperm motility, antioxidant status, and testosterone levels.

Eat Maca Root

 Taking maca root supplements also improves libido as well as sexual performance. Maca root is a powerful plant food from Peru. Traditionally, it was used to enhance libido and male infertility. Maca root also improves sexual performance, and it has also helped men deal with erectile dysfunction to some level.

Wear Loose Cotton Boxers.

It is essential to keep your sperm at an adequate temperature. Allowing lots of airflow through the scrotum is also equally important, as it will help cultivate the right environment for healthy sperm. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing boxers, choose cotton briefs instead of synthetic ones. Wearing loose boxes also improve sperm count.

Other Tips for our Readers for Improving Sperm Count

  • Get enough folate
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Snack on walnuts, as they are antioxidant-rich
  • Avoid eating too much soy

If you’re having fertility issues, one thing you can do is focus on improving your general health. Many of the tips mentioned above are key components of a healthy lifestyle.

There’s no guaranteed fix for male infertility, but if nutrient deficiencies or low testosterone levels are contributing factors, chances are that these lifestyle tips may help.

To get more information on advanced male infertility treatment options in India, please get in touch with us at


March 26, 2024



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