Gender Affirmation Surgery: What Happens, Benefits and Recovery - Crossborders Care

Gender Affirmation surgery involves a series of procedures that help people transition their gender. Gender affirmation surgeries include facial,chest, or bottom surgery.

Gender affirmation surgery is an option for people whose assigned sex differs from their birth identity. It is also an option for people who suffer from gender dysmorphia. (misalignment between gender assigned at birth and gender identity)

Understanding the types of gender affirmation surgery

 Gender affirmation surgery includes:

  • Facial Reconstructive Surgery: It makes the face more masculine or feminine
  • Vocal Surgery: It is done to change the pitch of the voice
  • Chest Surgery: It is done to remove breast tissue for a more masculine appearance or enhance breast size for a more feminine appearance.
  • Bottom Surgery: This surgery will be done to reconstruct the genitals.

 Gender Affirmation Surgery ( Female to male)

 A list of surgeries done during the transition from female to male includes:

Facial masculinization surgery: Reshapes the bones and tissues in your face to produce features such as a wider forehead, angular cheeks, a more pronounced jawline, and an Adam’s apple.

Masculinizing top surgery: Removes breast tissue to create a natural-looking flat chest.

Hysterectomy: Removes the uterus. It may happen alongside surgery to remove your ovaries (oophorectomy).

Vaginectomy: Removing the vagina.

Metoidioplasty: Uses your clitoris to form a penis.

Phalloplasty: Uses a flap of skin from another part of your body to form an average-sized penis (about 5 to 6 inches). It usually happens alongside scrotoplasty( Construction of scrotum)

Scrotoplasty: Reshaping part of the labia majora into a scrotum.

Male To Female Gender Affirmation Surgery

 Male-to-female gender affirmation surgery involves:

Facial feminization surgery: Reshaping the bones and tissues in your face to produce features such as a lower hairline, fuller cheeks, rounded jaw, and smaller Adam’s apple.

Feminizing top surgery: Adds saline or silicone implants under your breast tissue to create rounded, fuller breasts.

Orchiectomy: Removes the testicles.

Penectomy: Removes the penis.

Vaginoplasty: Uses penile tissue and other genitalia to form a vaginal canal. Surgery may also involve constructing a labia (labiaplasty) and a clitoris (clitoroplasty).

Vulvoplasty: Constructs the parts of a vulva.

What happens during a gender affirmation surgery?

 During the initial steps of the surgery, the surgical team will tell you what will happen during the surgery. For most people, gender affirmation surgery is a series of surgeries, as explained above. The series of steps involved in gender affirmation surgery are:

  • Firstly, you will be given anesthesia so that you do not feel any pain
  • Secondly, the surgeon will remove your existing organs
  • They will then reconstruct new structures out of existing tissues
  • Insert implants or tissue grafts
  • Doctors will place drains to remove fluid from the wounds and a catheter to help you pee.

Recovery after the surgery

 Care for wounds: You must follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on washing the scars. Please keep a close check on any infection.

Wear compression garments: For a few weeks after the gender affirmation surgery, you will have to wear compression garments to reduce the swelling.

Take medicines on time: Take your medicines on time to reduce the pain.

Avoid straining: Avoid straining your body after the surgery, as it can increase the swelling.

Monitor your eating patterns: take only nutritious food after the surgery to increase healing.

Adjust your routine: Stick to your routine, like taking sponge baths for a while; do not exercise or involve yourself in any physical activity until you heal.

Understanding Recovery Time

Recovery times vary based on what procedures or combination of procedures you have:

  • Cheek and nose surgery: Swelling lasts for around two to four weeks.
  • Chin and jaw surgery: Most swelling fades within two weeks. It may take up to four months for the swelling to disappear.
  • Chest surgery: Swelling and soreness last for one to two weeks.
  • Bottom surgery: Most people don’t resume activities until six weeks after surgery.

Please attend follow-up visits with your healthcare provider for a few months. These visits ensure you’re healing well.

What are the benefits of gender affirmation surgery?

Gender affirmation surgery is an excellent option for those who feel that their gender is out of sync with their body. For these people, the surgery can offer the following benefits:

Reduced Gender Dysmorphia

 Gender dysmorphia is a condition when one feels misalignment with their assigned gender and gender identity. Surgery can reduce distress.

Enhanced mental health

 The male-to-female surgery or vice versa can lead to improvement in mental health and reduce depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

Improved quality of life

 For many trans people, surgery is the only way to feel comfortable in their bodies. When you achieve physical characteristics that align with your body, it will increase your quality of life.

Improved self-confidence

 Gender Affirmation surgery can boost your self-confidence and will thus empower you to achieve your goals in life.

No discrimination

Gender affirmation surgery reduces the discrimination and stigma that trans people face.

It is a matter of great pride that the leading healthcare institutions in India, like Fortis Hospital, Delhi  offer comprehensive transgender healthcare services that involve a series of services like medical, surgical, and mental support,

The services involve hormone therapy, counseling, preoperative care, surgical procedures, and post-operative care. By providing a full spectrum of care, all the big hospitals in India cater to the diverse needs of transgender people who want to undergo gender affirmation surgery.

If you want the best treatment options in India for gender affirmation surgery, please reach out to us at


February 26, 2024



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