Male Infertility: Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis - Crossborders Care

If we look at the statistics, then nearly one in every seven couples is infertile globally. It means that they have not been able to conceive even after trying for a year. In half of these couples, male infertility is the primary reason for it.

Male infertility can be caused due to numerous reasons like low sperm count, improper sperm function, or blockages in the reproductive organs that prevent the delivery of the sperm. Chronic Illness, injuries, or chronic health issues may also lead to infertility issues.

The inability to conceive a child can be stressful and frustrating at the same time. In this blog, we will delve into the symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of male infertility. We will also inform you how to get the best male infertility treatment in India.

Let’s get into the details of male infertility first.

What is Male Infertility, and What Happens Under Normal Conditions?

 The testes (male reproductive organ)  produce tiny cells known as sperms. During sex, these sperm are delivered into the female’s body. Just before ejaculation, the sperms go from the epididymis ( tubes behind testicles) into another set of tubes known as vas deference. When you ejaculate, the sperm, mixed with semen, travels through the urethra and then comes out of the penis.

Male infertility depends on your body producing normal sperm and delivering it to the female body. If you are unable to do so, unfortunately, you are dealing with male infertility issues.

Symptoms of Male Infertility

 Male infertility is the inability to get your partner pregnant after having sexual intercourse several times. The primary symptoms of male infertility are:

  • Difficulty in achieving pregnancy
  • Abnormal sperm count
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Pain, swelling, or lumps in the testicular area
  • Change in sexual desire, that is, decreased libido
  • Premature ejaculation or painful ejaculation
  • Recurrent respiratory infections
  • Change in hormonal levels

What are the Causes of Male Infertility?

 The leading causes of male infertility are:

Sperm disorders:

 The most common cause of male infertility is abnormal sperm. The sperms may :

  • Not grown fully ( Immature )
  • Having strange shape and size
  • Not moving the right way (non-motile)
  • Be in low numbers ( oligospermia)
  • No sperm in the semen( azoospermia)


 Varicoceles are swollen veins in the scrotum. They are more common in infertile men, and they harm the proper growth of the sperm.

Retrograde Ejaculation

 Retrograde ejaculation is when semen goes backward in the body. They go in your bladder instead of the penis, and hence the sperms are unable to reach the vagina.

Immunologic Infertility

 Sometimes, a man’s body makes antibodies that start attacking his sperm. This condition is also known as antisperm antibodies.

Blocked tubes( Blockages in Epididymis, Vas Deferens, ejaculatory ducts and urethra)

 Sometimes, the tubes from which the sperms travel are also blocked. Repeated infections, surgery swelling, or development defects can cause the blockage. Any blockage in the male reproductive organ does not allow the sperm to leave the body at the time of ejaculation.

Hormonal Issues

Hormones are the chemical messengers of our body. They tell the testicles to make the sperm. Low hormone levels in the body cause poor sperm growth.

Chromosome Defect

 Disorders such as Klinefelter’s syndrome — in which a male has two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (instead of one X and one Y) — cause abnormal development of the male reproductive organs. Other genetic syndromes associated with infertility include cystic fibrosis and Kallmann’s syndrome.


Certain medications can also cause changes in sperm production, function, and delivery. Steroids, cancer medications, and ulcer drugs lead to decreased male fertility.

Environmental causes

 Specific environmental causes that lead to male infertility are:

  • Overexposure to chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides.
  • Exposure to lead and other heavy metals
  • Exposure to radiation and X Rays
  • Overheating the testicles – truck drivers

Health and lifestyle causes

 Some other causes of male infertility are:

  • Drug use like cocaine or marijuana
  • Drinking excessive alcohol
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Obesity

Diagnosis of Male Infertility in India

A urologist or andrologist who specializes in male infertility or a reproductive endocrinologist will diagnose the reasons behind male infertility in India. Several diagnostic tests performed in India to detect this condition are:

  • A complete physical exam to determine your overall health and what may be the cause of infertility.
  • A semen analysis is used to determine the quality and quantity of the sperm.
  • Imaging Tests like ultrasound and MRI.
  • Blood Tests to measure your hormone levels and look for abnormalities in your genes.
  • Urine test to diagnose diabetes
  • Testicular Biopsy to determine how well your testicles produce sperms

How can Treatment in India Make a Difference in Your Life?

India has numerous healthcare institutions like Indraprastha Birla Fertility, Apollo Fertility, and ART fertility clinic, which provide comprehensive services for male infertility. Here is how you can benefit from treatment in India:

  • Advanced diagnostic services
  • Range of treatment options like assisted reproductive techniques( IVF, ICSI, AND IUI)
  • Counseling and support
  • Team of specialists including urologists, andrologists, reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, and phycologists.
  • Cutting-edge technologies provide the latest infertility treatments
  • Holistic care, including nutritional counseling and lifestyle changes

Overall, you will get world-class treatment for male infertility in India. If you are interested in getting the best medical facilities and want to get in touch with the best doctors to treat your infertility problems, get in touch with Cross Border Care today by writing us at

March 9, 2024



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