Arthroscopy Surgery and Its Cost in India

Arthroscopy Surgery

High-end technology-driven arthroscopic surgery in India

What is Arthroscopic surgery?

Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that lets doctors diagnose and treat the problems inside a joint. The process involves the insertion of a fibre optic camera inside the joint through a small incision. A high-definition video monitor is used to look at the joint. This allows surgeons to view the joints and repair them using special instruments.

What are the different types of Arthroscopy?

Different types of arthroscopic reconstruction surgeries surgeries include:

● Elbow Arthroscopy
● Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy
● Hand and wrist arthroscopy
● Hip arthroscopy
● Knee Arthroscopy
● Shoulder Arthroscopy

Why is Arthroscopy performed?
Healthcare providers particularly use Arthroscopy to diagnose and treat a range of joint, ligament, and tendon problems. These problems include:

Knee: Knee Arthroscopy can be used to diagnose various knee problems, such as a torn meniscus or a misaligned patella (kneecap). It can be used to repair the ligaments with limited risks and an improved outlook. The process has significantly lower recovery times compared to the traditional surgical procedure.

Arthroscopy can also be used to diagnose and treat knee injuries, such as:
o torn anterior or posterior cruciate ligaments
o torn meniscus (the cartilage between the bones in the knee)
o patella that’s out of position
o pieces of torn cartilage that are loose in the joint
o removal of a Baker’s cyst
o fractures in the knee bones
o swollen synovium (the lining in the joint)

Hip: Hip arthroscopy surgery is used to repair damaged labrum, articular cartilage, or other soft tissues surrounding the joint. This damage could be due to an injury and may lead to other orthopaedic conditions such as:

Femoro-acetabular impingement (FAI): This results from bony over-growth along the cavity of the acetabulum (pincer impingement) or on the femoral head (cam impingement). This damages the soft tissues of the hip during movement, especially the articular cartilage.

O Hip Labrum Tears: The Labrum is the ring of the articular cartilage extending outside the acetabulum and helps keep the femoral head in place for the normal functioning of the joint. Many times, this ring gets damaged due to sports or other injuries.

Dysplasia: In this condition, the hip socket is abnormally shallow, and there is additional stress on the labrum to keep the femoral head within the socket, making the labrum more susceptible to tearing. This requires immense care while repairing, as it may lead to joint instability if not done properly.

Snapping hip syndromes: In this condition, the tendon rubs across the outside of the joint. In some cases, this could damage the tendon due to repeated rubbing and can be treated through surgery.

Shoulder: Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery can be used to treat various shoulder ailments like:

Rotator Cuff Tears: Treatment of rotator cuff tears with shoulder arthroscopy could vary depending on the discretion of the surgeon. Some surgeons prefer Arthroscopy for all rotator cuff tears, whereas others choose Arthroscopy in certain special situations.

Labral Tears: Labral tears, such as Bankart tears and SLAP tears, can be easily repaired using Arthroscopy.

Shoulder Bursitis: In shoulder bursitis (aka Impingement syndrome), arthroscopic subacromial decompression is performed. In this procedure, the inflamed bursa and some bone are removed from the affected area around the rotator cuff tendons. This creates more space for the tendons and subside the inflammation.

Biceps Tendonitis: This is the inflammation of the biceps tendon and could be due to an injury or secondary to other shoulder problems. Biceps tenodesis is usually performed in such cases to remove the diseased portion and re-attach the tendon. This procedure relieves the symptoms without any functional deficit.

Frozen Shoulder: Some cases of Frozen Shoulder may require surgical intervention using Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery.

AC Joint Arthritis: In the case of severe arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint (AC joint), the damaged end of the clavicle (collarbone) is removed. This relieves the symptoms of AC arthritis.

Who needs Arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy Surgery is a perfect option for people who do not get relief from non-surgical treatments like:
● Braces and splints
● Medications and steroid injections
● Physiotherapy
● Rest


The various diagnostic tests performed include:
● Blood Tests
● Xrays
● CT scans
● Ultrasound
● PET scan

Understanding High-End Technology Driven Arthroscopic Surgery in India

● Shaving Cartilage: It is also known as chondroplasty. During this procedure, the surgeon shaves the damaged cartilage surface within a joint.
● Anterior Cruciate Ligament: ACL surgery aims to reconstruct torn or damaged ACL in the knee. ACL is a very important ligament that provides stability to the knee joint when it gets injured. ACL repair cost in India is affordable.

Before Arthroscopy procedure

Before the surgery, you should follow the instructions of your healthcare provider. In general, you should:

● Inform your doctor about any allergies you have
● Inform about the medications and supplements you take
● Let your doctor know if you are only blood thinners
● Do not eat or drink anything the night before your surgery

During the Surgery

What is an arthroscope?

An arthroscope is a small tube that is inserted into the body. It contains lenses, a video camera, and light. The camera is connected to a monitor system that allows surgeons to get a view of the surgery while it is being done. It is generally coupled with other tools used for grasping, cutting, and probing.

● You will receive general, local, or spinal anaesthesia.
● A small incision is made in the skin.
● The Arthroscopy is inserted via incision.
● Other incisions called portals can be made to insert other tools.
● Light is transmitted at the end of the arthroscope using fibre optics.
● Corrective surgery is done.
● After the surgery, dressing and bandages are put on.

After the Surgery

● After the surgery is over, you will be taken to the recovery room.
● Doctors will give you some pain medication to relieve your pain.
● Most arthroscopy surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis, so you will be discharged on the same day. If there are some complications, then you may have to stay at the hospital.
● You will also be prescribed aspirin to prevent blood clots.
● Make sure to apply ice for the first 24 hours to reduce inflammation.
● Elevate your leg to reduce pain.
● Take pain medicines as prescribed.
● Do not consume alcohol at all.

Advantages of Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Its benefits include:
● Fast recovery
● Less pain
● Minimal blood loss
● Less scarring

General Tips for Recovery
● Pay attention to pain, swelling, and any strange sensations during recovery. Get in touch with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns.
● Be sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions about weight-bearing, activity level, and rehabilitation exercises.
● Maintain a balanced diet to help your body heal. Make sure you stay hydrated.
● Restorative sleep helps the healing process.
● You should avoid alcohol and tobacco. These substances can interfere with the healing process.
● It takes time to recover from an arthroscopy. To prevent setbacks or complications, be patient and don’t rush.
● During your recovery, ask for emotional support from friends and family. It can be a challenging time, and having a support system can be invaluable.


Arthroscopy is a safe procedure. However, there are some risks associated with it. The complications include:
● Allergic reaction to anaesthesia
● Blood clots
● Damage to surrounding nerves
● Excessive bleeding
● Infections

Top orthopaedicians carrying out arthroscopic surgeries in India

Dr. S.K.S. Marya, Chairman & Chief Surgeon – Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement, Max Hospital, Gurgaon & Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, experience 42 years.
Dr Ashok Rajgopal, Group Chairman, Institute Of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Orthopaedics, Medanta, Gurugram, has 40 years of experience.
Dr (Prof) Raju Vaishya, Sr. Consultant Orthopaedics, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, experience 35 years.
Dr. (Prof.) Anil Arora, Principal Director & Head of Department – Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement Surgery, Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, 35 years of experience
Dr. Ramneek Mahajan, Senior Director (Orthopaedics) & Head Joint Reconstruction (Hip & Knee) Unit Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement, Arthroscopy & Sports Injury, Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, experience 25 years

Top Hospitals offering Arthroscopy Surgery in India

● Medanta the Medicity, Gurugram
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj. New Delhi.
Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi.
BLK-Max Hospital, New Delhi,
Artemis Hospital, Gurugram
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

Cost of Arthroscopy Surgery in India

● The cost of knee arthroscopic surgery ranges between 2500 -3000$
● Shoulder arthroscopic surgery costs you around 2,500 $
● The cost of an ACL tear would be around 3,000 $ in top hospitals.
● ACL tear repair with an implant costs around 4000$.
● Debridement and cleaning of knee joint costs around 2500$
● The cost of rotator cuff injury with arthroscopic repair will be around 3,000$.
● Arthroscopic hip surgery also cost around 3,000 $

How can you avail yourself of the best Arthroscopy surgery in India Step by Step process?

Cross Border Care is here for you if you are looking for trustworthy treatment consultants in India. We will help you find the best doctor in India and get your treatment done for JCI-accredited hospitals at the most pocket-friendly rates. Our team includes experienced medical professionals with you at each treatment step. So, if you are planning your arthroscopy surgery in India, fill out the form below, and we will help you to choose the best doctor and hospital providing state-of-the-art technology.

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