
Treatment option available for breast cancer in India

Treatment option available for breast cancer in India

Know Your Breast Cancer Doctor – Dr Geeta kedayaprath

I am Dr Geeta kedayaprath and I am a surgical oncologist and breast conservative Oncoplastic surgeon at Max Hospitals. so I have been trained specifically in the breast cancer at the royal masters hospital in the UK since the time I haven came from UK I have been dedicatedly working in the field of breast cancer, so I have been working at the max hospitals for the last 13 years and over the past 22 years of my experience I must have catered to more than 7000 -8000 patients of breasts cancer.

So my aim is to offer the entire range of surgeries that are available for the breast cancer with basic surgeries being modified radical mastectomy, but other than that, what is becoming more common is breast conservative surgery in suitable cases.

So earlier breast conservative surgery used to be just removing the lump with margins and the cosmetic results used to be not that great, but NOW with Oncoplastic surgeries it is possible to restore shape to the breast after breast conservative surgery in India. And that is particularly exciting to me and the other thing is very exciting is sentinel lymph node biopsies, so for those patients whose nodes are not involved with disease one can do a sentinel node biopsy which I have been doing for the past 18 years or so with excellent results, results meaning patients do not have swollen arms after a surgery of lymph nodes because sentinel lymph node biopsy only entails removing few  lymph nodes so you don’t see swollen arms which can be very distressing for the patient.

Other than that entire range of adjuvant treatment with the sense that you have, medical oncologist services we have excellent team of day care services, then we have state – of the art radiation technology and personnel who can handle any kind of radiation therapy that needs to be done for patients and as far as treatment goes we have a immunotherapy, targeted therapy you name it and we have it here at the Max Hospital, India.


Treatment options available for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in India – Trans-Oral Robotic Surgery

Treatment options available for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in India – Trans-Oral Robotic Surgery

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a health disorder, characterized in patients who display snoring accompanied with irregular breathing patterns while being asleep. The main cause of OSA is the ’obstruction in throat muscles’ – they are normally in a relaxed state but tend to fall backwards during sleep – hence the disease is referred to as obstructive sleep apnea or OSA. It affects 22% men and 17% women globally, especially middle-aged overweight adults.

Which all potential health hazards can OSA cause?

If left untreated, OSA could tremendously affect quality of life due to a lack of sound sleep. It may further lead to stroke, heart attack, diabetes, sexual disorder, stress and irritability.

When should one consult a doctor?

Many patients believe that snoring is not related to any illness and is a normal phenomenon; however one should seek consultation from a specialist doctor when:

  • Snoring starts to interrupt in getting a sound sleep for themselves as well as in others around.
  • Shortness of breath leads to off and on sleep, leading to irregular sleeping patterns.

What treatment options are available to cure sleep apnea in India?

Proper diagnosis of sleep apnea and identification of its cause is the key before treating any sleep apnea patient. Two types of treatment options are available:

  1. Non-surgical treatments include:
  2. Sleeping on either side to minimize throat muscle obstruction
  3. Following proper sleeping pattern religiously and getting adequate sleep – this could eventually help in reducing episodes of sleep apnea
  4. Saying goodbye to alcohol right before the sleeping time – this helps in increasing airways passage
  5. Regularly exercising – this could help in reducing weight that could prove beneficial in mild and moderate sleep apnea cases
  6. Quitting to smoke as smoking leads to swelling the throat that could cause obstruction
  7. Control positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask: This is the most advised treatment option for treating sleep apnea. CPAP mask allows pressurized air to pass through the nose into the airways, thus helping in prevention of obstruction that could happen due to lack of enough oxygen while sleeping. This mask is connected to the device that is supposed to be placed near bedside where patient sleeps – this device helps in pumping the pressurized air. Although it is a non-invasive treatment, but still most patient find it difficult to sleep with the CPAP mask on and are hence unable to comply with it most of the time. For such patients, treatment options include weight reduction, use of oral devices and finally a surgery.

What is Trans-Oral Robotic Surgery In India?

Trans-Oral Robotic Surgery (TROS) is a highly advanced, minimum invasive surgical option for the treatment of OSA. As part of this surgery, to reduce obstruction, the surgeon reduces the base of the tongue through the oral cavity using da Vinci robot. It is considered as a safe, highly precise surgical treatment option for patients, without having them to suffer serious complications with excellent clinical results that help in improving the quality of life. In addition to eliminating the existing obstruction in the mouth, throat and nose, the da Vinci robot also empowers the TROS surgeons to perform surgery even in the deeper areas of the oral cavity. One of the major benefits in such type of robotic surgery is that it can be customized according to the patient’s need and anatomy.

What should I know before I think of undergoing TROS?

To start with, the surgeon recommends the patient to undergo the sleep study test. To prepare for this test, the patient is required at get admitted in the special sleep lab for a day. The patient is being monitored by a specialist who operates the video camera to observe and record the sleeping patterns and any visible shortcomings.

There is another alternative test namely ‘sleep endoscopy’ for those who don’t want to wear the CPAP mask during the sleep study. In this procedure, the patient will be given a medicine for sleep. While the patient is still asleep, an endoscope is inserted in the nose and throat to see the site better and understand the extent of obstruction caused to plan and prepare for the robotic surgery. These tests will enable surgeons to identify the need of TROS.

what is the cost of Trans-Oral Robotic Surgery In India?

Robotic surgery for obstructive sleep apnea will cost around 3500$ with highly trained doctor and in top raked JCI accredited hospital in India.

Know Your Doctor

Dr. Surender Kumar Dabas is one of the best robotic surgeons in Delhi. He has more than 12 Years of experience in the field of Robotic Head and Neck Surgery. In fact, he has performed the maximum number of Robotic Head and Neck Surgery in Asia. He has also started a Robotic surgeon fellowship in the area of head and neck oncology.

He is a professional Robotic surgeon who has performed various Robotic surgeries with great degree of accuracy.  He is a pioneer in Robotic Head and Neck Surgery in India.  He completed his training in the field of robotic surgery from many centers like Upenn in Philadelphia and Yonsei Cancer University, Korea. He then took up this technology to Thorax, Gynecology and Urology.

No doubt being the best robotic surgeon in India, he performs many types of complex surgeries with more flexibility, precision and control over the robotic techniques. His surgery success rate generally varies from 94% to 100%.

KALPANA NAGPAL has more than 26 years of Experience in Microscopic and Endoscopic Surgeries. Presently she is working as Senior Consultant ENT / Otorhinolaryngologist Head and Neck and Chief Robotic Surgeon at Apollo Hospital New Delhi. She has performed more than 100 successful robotic ENT, Head, and Neck Surgeries by using advanced technology. She believes that Robots are the future of surgeries as they have a great impact on the outcome of the surgeries. Not only does it reduce the complexity of the surgery but also it helps the patients with faster recovery.

She has received an ICMR Scholarship for screening secretory Otitis Media in school children. She has received Da Vinci Certification for ROBOTIC SURGERY IN SEOUL, South Korea.  She attends national and international workshops on the management of OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnoea) and regularly visits MIMA Sleep Centre in Melbourne, Florida.Dr. Nagpal taught in New Delhi’s Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital and Nehru Homeopathic College. For three years, she was the President of the Doctors Forum at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in New Delhi.

She is a Lifetime member of Sleep CON, INDIA, and AOI, as well as a panelist at E.N.T conferences hosted at Apollo Hospitals and other locations in New Delhi. Dr. Nagpal has a number of papers to her name in a variety of periodicals.




Robotic Thymus Gland Surgery in Inida – A boon for Myasthenia Greavis Patients

Robotic Thymus Gland Surgery in India – A boon for Myasthenia Greavis Patients

I am Dr Pramod Jindal, I am a lung and robotic surgeon specializing in lung cancer and surgeries of the chest. I have been working as a Director of lung and thoracic surgeries at Max Super Specialist Hospital New Delhi, India.

I have an experience of about 20 years in dealing with lung and related surgeries. I have been trained at USA and Canada and thereafter in Singapore. I have worked at almost 11 centres all over the world in thoracic surgeries. Now I am practicing the same in New Delhi India,

What is myasthenia greavis and its treatment?

One of the specialties of our surgeries is dealing with thymus and its related diseases, thymus is a gland which is situated at the back side of breast bone and it is normally involved in a disease that is known as myasthenia greavis.

Myasthenia Greavis is a condition where our own body produces antibodies against our own muscles and the body keeps on becoming weak. And the only treatment or I would rather say best treatment is removing the thymus by robotic known as robotic thymectomy.

There can be cancers of thymus gland as well and we have been doing regularly taking care surgically the thymus cancers also known as thymomas, so we do run myasthenia a clinic as well at our Max Super Specialist Hospital and I will be happy to take any of these patients suffering from any sort of disorders of thymus.

We at our centre specially cater to the international patient and we have made our specific SOPs and ways to decrease the cost to bear minimum and the overall cost of the thoracic surgeries done by robotic or any other ways are optimal particularly done by robotics. The patient’s benefits, caused in early discharged, early recovery and early getting back to his country and doing his work. So getting a tied up with us means a best advanced state of the healthcare along with optimal money spent on your healthcare.

Need assistance with robotic surgery to be performed in India?
Contact us today!

Conquering Lung Cancer with Robotic Surgery in India

Conquering Lung Cancer with Robotic Surgery in India

I am Dr Pramoj Jindal, I am a lung and robotic surgeon specializing in lung cancer and surgeries of the chest. I have been working as a Director of lung and thoracic surgeries at Max Super Specialist Hospital New Delhi, India.

I have an experience of about 20 years in dealing with lung and related surgeries. My specialty is in robotic and lung cancer. I have been trained at USA and Canada and thereafter in Singapore. I have worked at almost 11 centres all over the world in thoracic surgeries.

What is the cause of lung cancer?

Now I am practicing the same in New Delhi India, I wish to tell you something about lung cancer. Lung cancer is the no. 1 cancer all over the world and is leading cause of death. The most common cause is smoking and if detected early lung cancer can be eradicated completely. The best way is to remove lung cancer is by robotic way which is the latest advancement in thoracic surgery. We go in with a very small cut and takeout every small bit of tumor where ever present in the thorax. And the patient can live normal life thereafter.

What is robotic lung surgery ?

Robotics is the latest advancement which I have been doing since 2012. Now it has been almost 10 year since then we have almost done 1000 cases for this including cancers and robotics. My total experience is somewhere around over 2000 surgeries completed successfully over here. I would like to stress is that robotic is a latest advancement and it is here to stay to give maximum benefits to the patients.

I welcome you with any queries and problems with the lung and I will be happy to take up any kind of diseases which you or your friends may be suffering from.

We at our centre specially cater to the international patient and we have made our specific SOPs and ways to decrease the cost to bear minimum and the overall cost of the thoracic surgeries done by robotic or any other ways are optimal particularly done by robotics. The patient’s benefits, caused in early discharged, early recovery and early getting back to his country and doing his work. So getting a tied up with us means a best advanced state of the healthcare along with optimal money spent on your healthcare.


Beat Prostate Cancer with Robotic Surgery in India by Dr Anshuman Agarwal

Beat Prostate Cancer with Robotic Surgery in India by Dr Anshuman Agarwal

My name is Dr Anshuman Agarwal and I am senior consultant Urologist, Uro Oncologist and Robotic Surgeon at Indraprastha Apollo hospitals New Delhi. My basic qualifications are MBBS, MS in General Surgery and MCH in Urology which is the highest possible qualification in this country which is India.

After obtaining my degree in Urology I decided to pursue Uro Oncology, Robotic Surgery and Endourology as my career and obtained training in different super specialty hospitals of this country as well as abroad like USA and France where I visited learning robotic surgery since 2001 I have been practicing urology and uro oncology and endourology with very good results. I have been treated more than thousands of patients for each problem and my special interest is in cancer of prostate

Know about Prostate Cancer:

Today I would like to speak to you about prostate cancer. Now Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers occurring in men above the age of 50 years. It is especially more common in African Americans in Africans and certain part of the world.  So this is a very lethal cancer especially if it occurs at the 50 years or 40 years or 60 years, in ages above 80 years it is not so lethal but in younger age groups it can be life taking cancer.

So what should we do about it?

Now there are certain blood tests like PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), and which can be done in every country in every lab. And this is a very simple blood test and it can help you in diagnosis of prostate cancer, so if person is above the age of 50 years, or if there is strong family history of prostate cancer one should get themselves tested for PSA and also visit their Urologist for a local examination of the prostate to know whether the patient is suffering from prostate cancer or not.

Now once the patient is diagnosed for prostate cancer then the treatment options are decided by the stage of the prostate cancer. Stage meaning whether it is stage one, stage two, stage three or stage four. Now for stage four, options for treatment are very limited. For stage three the options again are predominately are non surgical but for stage one and two the one of the best treatment option is Robotic Surgery.

 what do we mean by Robotic Prostate Surgery in India?

We mean that we make small holes inside the tummy of the patient we attached, we put some instrument  and we attached robots with these instruments, it is not like that the robot is doing the surgery but it is the surgeon who is controlling the robot the robot helps  the surgeon in  achieving precise results. So for precise removal of the cancer with preservations of certain vital structures like nerves that causes erection.  Now if these nerves are sacrificed then the person loses its erection for life.  But using robotic surgery we can preserve these nerves in selected cases off course the case has to be an early one it can’t be an advanced prostate cancer where we can’t preserve the nerves, if it is an early prostate cancer then we can preserve the nerves and we can assure the patient that they can resume their normal sexual activity in few months time.

So by doing robotic surgery we can ensure complete removal of cancer, can ensure best possible surgical outcome in terms of control urination in terms of return to work in terms of return of sexual activity. Hence robotic surgery is the most preferred mode of surgical management of prostate cancer.


Regain and Maintain Your Sexual Life with Penile Implant Surgery in India by Dr Anshuman Agarwal

Regain and Maintain Your Sexual Life with Penile Implant Surgery in India by Dr Anshuman Agarwal

My name is Dr Anshuman Agarwal and I am senior consultant Urologist, Uro Oncologist and Robotic Surgeon at Indraprastha Apollo hospitals New Delhi. My basic qualifications are MBBS, MS in General Surgery and MCH in Urology which is the highest possible qualification in this country which is India.

After obtaining my degree in Urology I decided to pursue Uro Oncology, Robotic Surgery and Endourology as my career and obtained training in different super specialty hospitals of this country as well as abroad like USA and France where I visited learning robotic surgery since 2001 I have been practicing urology and uro oncology and endourology with very good results. I have been treated more than thousands of patients for each problem and my special interest is in cancer of prostate

Penile Implant Surgery In India

Any patient suffering from erectile dysfunction should go and consult a doctor and should get himself evaluated for diseases like diabetes, dislipidemia, kidney diseases, liver diseases, and heart diseases.

As erectile dysfunction can be an early sign of heart diseases because erectile dysfunction occurs because of the narrowing of blood vessel which is supplying blood to the penis and if the narrowing can occur in the penile blood vessels then it can also occur in the vessel going into the brain, it can also occur vessel going into the heart. So one should get all this basic evaluation done to ruled out any serious disorder which is associated with erectile dysfunction.

Now once the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is made we should try to modify the life style like include, some excessive in your daily routine improve upon the diet take healthy foods avoid excessive salt avoid excessive fats and simple carbohydrate like junk foods like fried foods and all those things should be avoided. So once these measures are taken in to accounts then you know patients can lose lot of weight they can improve exercise tolerance then they can automatically improve their erectile dysfunction.

What are the treatment options available for Erectile Dysfunction in India ?

If these things are not working then one should go for medical management of erectile dysfunction which is taking simple pills and tablets like people might have heard of Vigra or sialis you know these two are very common brands which are available all throughout the world and these have helped patients erection dysfunction to have better erection and better sexual experiences. Now if the patients are unable to have good erection with simple medications then they need more detailed evaluation of their penile blood flow this is done by the means of penile Doppler test and if that shows that the blood flow to the penis is seriously compromised then the best possible treatment available is to place a penile implant.

Now before placing penile implant we can also you know teach patients to give intra penile injections which is given on the sides of the penis and sometimes you know they can lead to good erections but off course it is a painful exercise and patients have to be trained to do it properly. Otherwise there can be certain problems. There are certain other things like vacuum erection device but people find it very cumbersome to use all these devices before somebody has to do sexual intercourse then he is suing an injection or vacuum erection device that is quite cumbersome.

What are the types of penile implants available in India?

So penile implant is very effective way of having a good erection at any point in time whenever you desire to have an erection then you can have an erection. So penile implant is placed as it is the word says it is an implant so it has to be a surgical exercise and it has to be placed inside the penis by means of a surgery so the surgery is not a major one and it takes about one hour to perform the operation and the patient can go home about 2-3 days but the major risk of the surgery is infection. And sometimes because of the infection the penile implant may have to be removed so people really have to take care that they should not get infected.

Another important thing about penile implant that what are the types of penile implant that are available so basically there are two types of implants available

  1. Semi Rigid Implant
  2. Inflatable Implant

Now the semi rigid implant is cheap and it is also easy to insert and easy to maintain where in there is no risk of a mechanical failure. And in inflatable implants it is usually consists of three parts where in one is the implant and other one is a controlling device for the implant the third part of the device is reservoir where water is stored. So whenever we press some buttons the water is pushed into the implant and leads to an erection which looks like normal erection and after sexual intercourse the patient can press and the water goes from the implant into the reservoir and the penis becomes the soft and it looks like a natural penis you know penis which is not erect which is flaccid penis.

With the Semi Rigid implant is like rubber tubes which is implanted into the penis and when ever person has to have intercourse he just has to pull out his penis from the trouser and he can have intercourse so the penis always remain in erect position and it slightly looks abnormal so when a person wearing a trouser that it shows. But it comes at a lesser price, it is easy to maintain and there is no risk of a mechanical failure.

So the major risk of in case of inflatable device is a mechanical failure in cases of semi rigid implant it can be infection or device rejections so whenever there is a device rejection then we have to remove it and if there is an infection then we have to remove it sometimes the implant can erode into the skin or into the other parts of the penis then they will have to be removed.



Why the world is looking at India for Robotic Prostatectomy for prostate cancer

Why the world is looking at India for Robotic Prostatectomy for prostate cancer 

Have you or a person known to you been diagnosed with prostate cancer and wondering where to get this treated reliably? Get treatment of prostate cancer with utmost confidence in the safest hands of India’s most reputed surgeons.

About prostate gland cancer, causes and symptoms

Prostate gland is an organ below the bladder in men that helps in producing semen fluid. When cells in prostate gland start to grow uncontrollably, it takes the form of a prostate gland cancer. Men mostly above 50 years of age are affected. Experts generally agree that men who consume a lot of fat, especially meat cooked at high heat are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Factors like as high BMI, smoking, high consumption of calcium can accelerate prostate cancer as well. Symptoms may include:

  • Pain and/or a burning sensation while urinating.
  • Frequent urination, especially during the night time.
  • Trouble starting urination or stopping it.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Blood in either urine or semen.

Why surgeons recommend Robotic Prostatectomy over open surgery

The process of minimally invasive prostate cancer surgery is done through a robotic machine– this is called Robotic Prostatectomy. In Robotic prostatectomy, surgeons use advanced robotic surgical system that are designed to mimic the movement of the surgeon’s hands and wrists, allowing perfection. The Da Vinci Xi machine enable controls that allow the surgeon to manipulate the instruments, replicating the surgeon’s natural hand and wrist movements into corresponding precise movements. Robotic arms remain steady at all times and robotic wrists make it easier for surgeons to precisely work on the prostate from all kinds of angles. Surgical robotic has optimized laparoscopic surgical proficiency by:

  • Furnishing superior three-dimensional view of the prostate gland
  • Easing surgical manipulation with superior dexterity via wristed movements’
  • Hand shaking filtration and movement scaling, i.e. shaking of hand while performing surgery is corrected by robots so there’s no cut or injury in other organs
  • Major advantage is to preserve nerves of prostate gland which control erection of penis through robotic vision hence patient will be able to perform sexual activities after surgery.

Benefits of getting Robotic Prostatectomy with surgeons in India

India possesses several advantages as a medical tourism destination. Patients with budget restraints can also utilize top notch medical services within India hospitals. Delhi (India) is at the core of performing robotic surgeries using Da Vinci Xi – Robotic Surgery machine under the supervision of surgeons specializing in robotic surgery. Prostate Cancer Treatment in India provides higher precision during surgery compared to traditional surgeries during which the entire prostate is removed. Other benefits of getting Robotic Prostatectomy procedure in India are:

  • Many reputed surgeons at Indian hospitals go for education / training / working experience abroad, particularly in developed countries.
  • Surgeons and medical staff in India can communicate in English, thereby adding to the comfort level for patients.
  • Most of the advanced medical machineries are at disposal of all major Indian hospitals.
  • Indian nurses are highly trained and easily available.

Best Robotic Prostate Surgeons in India

Dr. Anant Kumar

Dr. Anant Kumar is a pioneered  and one of India’s best robotic doctor with 35 years of experience in urology. Presently he is working as the Chairman of Uro-Oncology, Robotic and Kidney Transplantation at Max Hospital Saket New Delhi. He has specialized in kidney transplantation, Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic, Reconstructive Urology, and Laser Urological Surgery and had performed over 500 robotic surgeries in the last five years and more than 3500 kidney transplants in the previous 30 years. He is also a member of various prestigious societies like the British Association of Urological Surgeons, International Society of Nephrology, Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, etc.

 Dr Anshuman Agarwal

Dr. Anshuman Agarwal is a Senior Urologist in Apollo Hospital, Delhi who has been doing Urologic procedures, including Uro-Oncology, since 2001. He has performed operations in major hospitals in South Korea, Malaysia and Cleveland Clinic Observer Department of Urology, USA.  He is one of the greatest Urologists has carried out over 10,000 cases including over 500 robotic procedures for prostate cancer, kidney cancer, and bladder cancer using cutting-edge technology such as the DaVinci robot.

The treatment of urological illness has become more curable than ever before. Thanks to modern advancements in medical research. The only challenge is who the safest hand to rely on is. Dr. Anshuman Agarwal, has 21 years of experience, and his vast knowledge of the field makes him possibly the best urologist in Delhi, India.

 Dr Sanjay Gagoi

Currently working as the Head of Department – Urology at Manipal Hospitals (New Delhi), Dr Sanjay Gogoi, is a name that needs no introduction in the field of Urology. He is a well known specialist in the country in Robotic Constructive Urology and possesses 20+ years of experience in his field. He is also specialized in Congenital Defects, Renal Transplantations, and Transurethral Incision of the Prostate. With his training in Robotic Surgery at da Vinci Training Center, Intuitive Surgical, California, and 6+ years of experience in Robotic Cancer Surgery Of various critical body parts like Kidneys, Ureters, Adrenal, Prostate, Bladder, etc., he is termed as an expert in minimally invasive transplant techniques of Laparoscopic and Robotic-Assisted Transplantation.

He is an expert in Robotic reconstructive procedures of critical body parts in both adults and pediatric patients and his work in reconstructive procedures is unmatched like complicated cases of genitourinary fistulas, congenital defects, neo-vaginas, neo-bladders, anti-incontinence procedures, urethral strictures, phalloplasties and many more.

Dr Shailesh Chandra Sahay

Dr Shailesh Chandra Sahay is a pioneer in the field of Robotic surgery in East Delhi. He has done his MCh in Urology from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi in 2010. He has an experience of over 14 years in Uro-oncology and Robotic surgery. His main area of interest if Uro-oncology and Robotic surgery. We are doing Robotic radical prostatectomy with excellent outcome. In younger patients we are doing Nerve sparing radical prostatectomy to preserve Erectile function. We are also doing Robotic assisted partial nephrectomy, Robotic assisted radical cystectomy and Nephroureterectomy with good oncological outcomes.


India emerging as the hub of Robotic Surgeries

India emerging as the hub of Robotic Surgeries

‘Robotic surgery’ is considered as a breakthrough in the minimally invasive surgical technology. It is an effective alternate way to the conventional open and laparoscopic surgery. Robotic surgery is gaining popularity as the first preference of surgical option due to the advantages that it provides in terms of patient’s safety, surgical precision and faster patient recovery. The major advantages of robotic surgery over open and laparoscopic surgery is its 3D high-definition computer vision due to its surgical accuracy and better outcomes.


Which are the best robotic surgery hospitals in India?


Apollo Institute of Robotic Surgery is known for its world-class medical technology in India for robotic surgeries. The institute is a collaborative effort between Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi and US-based Vattikuti Foundation (a non-profit organization that supports the development and global sharing of robotic surgery knowledge). The Apollo Institute’s Da Vinci Robotic System assisted surgery is considered as the most advanced robotic surgery available today in India and Apollo chain of hospitals are leading in this field. Till date, only 2,500 Da Vinci Robotic Systems are installed worldwide. This technology enables surgeons to perform a wide range of minimally invasive surgeries in the following medical fields: Gynecology, Urology, Head & Neck, General, Spine, weight loss and Cardiothoracic.

BLK Super Specialty Hospital is offering the most advanced treatment for patients suffering from ‘obstructive sleep apnoea’ in India using Trans-Oral Robotic Surgery (TORS). The hospital has a specialist team of doctors who underwent an extensive training on ‘how to effectively perform TORS’ from a reputed institute from America.

Indian Spinal Injuries Centre is another reliable option in the field of robotic surgery. Dr, H.S. Chhabra (Managing Director and Head of Indian Spinal Injuries Centre) is a renowned spine surgeon in India. He is claiming to start the first robotic spine surgery (Kyphosis, TLIF, ACDF) outside of America. He is performing all complex spine surgeries through robots (MAZOR Xth) whose success rates are at par with the global standards.


Manipal hospital

This hospital expertise’s in Robotic surgery of Heart and Urology. Highly competent surgeons have had many success stories particularly in Heart disease like Atrial septal defect & Bypass surgeries. The Heart surgery team is led by Dr YK Mishra.

Manipal Hospital is one of the pioneers in Robotic surgery particularly in the field of Urology. Dr Sanjay Gogoi at its helm and his team performed the World’s First Robotic Kidney Transplant (RKl) Performed India’s youngest Robotic Pyeloplasty on a 5 month old child.

Max hospital offers state of the art facilities, serene ambience and collaborative multi-disciplinary care for patients seeking surgical treatments.

It has a highly competent team of doctors performing weight loss Bariatric surgeries through surgical robots. The Team is led by Dr Atul N Peters who specializes in minimal invasive surgical procedures for reducing weight in morbidly obese patients. Dr Anant Kumar specializes in Kidney transplants using advanced robotic surgery.

Artemis Hospital has put modern robotic technology in the hands of renowned doctors from across the country and abroad to set new standards in healthcare. The medical practices and procedures followed in the hospital are research oriented and benchmarked against the best in the world.

Medanta Hospital

Robotic Head and neck surgery is led by Dr Arvind Kumar who is one of the pioneers in the field with qualifications from the American college of surgeons and AIIMS. He has led many successful Head and neck surgeries with the help of surgical robots. He is an expert in Lung Surgeries like pneumonectomy in lung diseases, Robotic hymectomy, Key-Hole (VATS) Surgery of the Chest,VATS (Key-Hole) Surgery for Lung Cancer, Tracheal Resections for stenosis and tumours.

Centre for Sight Hospital specializes in FEMTO robotic surgery. Bladeless Femto Laser Surgery is a form of eye surgery where all the surgery steps are the same as those followed in basic eye surgery, except that a computerized laser is used to perform eye surgery.

As no blades and needles are used in the surgery, the Bladeless Femto Laser Surgery is much more precise than standard eye surgery. This surgical procedure is widely used to remove cataracts and LASIK (Laser-Assisted In-situ Keratomileusis) surgery.

Which is best robotic ‘cancer treatment’ hospital in India?

BLK Super Specialty Hospital has a dedicated Robotic Cancer Centre for adult and paediatric cancer patients, offering comprehensive surgical option for Head & Neck Cancer, Lung Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Gynae Cancer, Gastrointestinal Cancer (mainly colorectal), Liver & Gall Bladder Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer and Prostate cancer.  Team is spear headed by Dr. Surender Kumar Dabas, an internationally well-known Robotic Surgeon inIndia.

For the treatment of the complicated thyroid cancers in patients who are also concerned about maintaining the cosmetic aspect, BLK Super Specialty Hospital uses a revolutionary surgical technique called ‘Scar-less Robotic Thyroidectomy’. The surgery is carried out using a minimally invasive method, either behind the ear or through the arm, for better clinical and cosmetic results. The highly advanced Da Vinci XI robot is used during such complicated cancer surgeries.

What are the key advantages of a robotic surgery?

Some of the key advantages of robotic surgery include:

  • Almost invisible surgical cut (~1-2 cm)
  • Almost no bleeding and pain
  • Shorter stay duration in hospital and no post operative infection and minimum hospital stay.
  • Lesser trauma, faster recovery and rehabilitation
  • Robotic Surgery is safer, accurate and more precise
  • Cosmetically compliant with almost no visible scars
  • Complexities in operations are minimized during surgery of chest, abdomen and pelvis in cases of cancer.


How is a robotic surgery performed?

The operating surgeons provide robots with computer-guided commands. The ability of robotic vision to magnify the human anatomical image by ten times is the cornerstone for quite useful for complex surgeries.

Minimal hospital stay, scar less cosmetically compliant incisions with almost none postoperative complications like pain and bleeding are the cornerstones of such advanced robotic surgeries.

What are some of the common types of robotic surgeries available in Delhi, India?

Hospitals in Delhi are known to perform following types of robotic surgeries:

  • Robotic Head & Neck And Thoracic Surgery
  • Robotic Thymectomy
  • Robotic Thyroidectomy
  • Robotic Lobectomy
  • Robotic Eye Surgery
  • Robotic Heart Surgery
  • Robotic Spine Surgery
  • Robotic GI Surgery
  • Robotic Lower Anterior Resection
  • Robotic Esophaegectomy
  • Robotic Weight Loss Surgery
  • Robotic Kidney Transplant
  • Robot Knee Replacement
  • Robotic Hysterectomy
  • Robotic Myomectomy
  • Robotic Ovarian Cystectomy
  • Robotic Prostatectomy
  • Robotic Nephrectomy
  • Robotic Pyeloplasty
  • Robotic Sacrocolopexy

Why one should opt for robotic surgery?

Robotic surgery is an advanced interventional high magnified surgery using cutting edge advanced roboticscopes driven by the latest artificial intelligence 360° fibre optic vision technology operating through remote commands by expert surgeons. India is among the few countries offering robotic surgery as a treatment option. The surgery performed by surgical Robots is far more economical than most countries around the world

Minimal hospital stay, scar less cosmetically compliant incisions with almost none postoperative complications like pain and bleeding are the cornerstones of such advanced robotic surgeries.

Why should we consider robotic surgery in India?


There is a definite cost benefit in opting for robotic surgery in India. It is far cheaper than other countries offering robotic surgery.

The cost of living and rehabilitative medical care is fairly economical than its western counterparts. Travel and fooding expenses are manageable on a tight budget