Robotic Surgery

Thyroid Patients Can Go For Robotic Surgery To Avoid Scar

The rise in the number of the thyroid patients has evolved the field of medicine to serve them with the best treatment. When it comes to the surgery, the groundbreaking advancements in the medicine field offer minimally invasive surgeries as an alternative to the traditional thyroid surgery. 

The adoption of  robotic thyroidectomy helps patients eliminate problems of the traditional thyroid surgery. Read on to know more how thyroid patients can go for robotic surgery to avoid scars.

Traditional surgery for thyroid patients- An overview

It refers to the treatment of thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, and benign nodules by making an incision in the neck. Hence, patients get a noticeable scar leaving several cosmetic and social dilemmas especially for young females. 

It is accompanied by an increased post-recovery period and more postoperative pains. Patients undergoing traditional thyroid surgeries have reported complications due to reduced precision and control.

Robotic surgery for thyroid patients- An overview

The use of the advanced medical robotic systems like Da Vinci Surgical System offers a few millimetres of the incision in the thyroid surgery. This system consists of a console to be operated by the surgeon, specialised instruments, and robotic arms. 

The surgeon controls the robot from a console using the high-definition 3D visuals and intuitive controls. The robotic arms further use tiny instruments for enhancing the stability and precision of the surgeon’s hands.

Why do thyroid patients go for robotic surgery to avoid scars?

Many female thyroid patients prefer to go for the Scarless Thyroidectomy Surgery. So, after having a quick overview of the traditional and robotic thyroid surgery procedure, here are the different reasons why robotic surgery is best to avoid scar:

  • Use of small incisions

Firstly, robotic surgery for thyroid patients uses small incisions compared to traditional surgery. The traditional thyroid surgery involves a large incision in the neck. It creates a noticeable scar which requires significant cosmetic treatment.

Robotic surgery for thyroid use incisions that are less than 1 centimetre in length only. Further, females prefer to go for these stitches placed in the inconspicuous areas depending on the type of the robots used.

  • Less visible trauma to surrounding tissues 

The use of advanced robotic instruments controlled by surgeons creates less trauma to the surrounding tissues during thyroid surgery. It leads to reduced tissue trauma with fewer complications to the skin.

Females prefer to go with the robotic surgery that comes with less bruising, swelling, blemishes, or other skin issues.

  • Reduced postoperative comfort

With the reduced scars and trauma to the surrounding tissues, the overall postoperative comfort significantly decreases in thyroid robotic surgery. It is easy for the patients to return to their daily activities when compared to the recovery time in traditional thyroid surgery.

With the reduced risk of skin infections, the overall postoperative comfort significantly rises with the robotic thyroid surgery. It adds to the overall aesthetic appeal of robotic surgery for females.

  • Low incidence of postoperative skin issues

Many patients after traditional thyroid surgery suffer from different complications like fluid collection, wound infections, or preservation of the critical structures. While the risks of surgery remain noticeable in any medical procedure, robotic surgery offers significant satisfaction to female patients.

With reduced manipulation of the tissues, the chances of postoperative skin issues are significantly reduced.

Final thoughts

Robotic surgery for thyroid patients offers the right alternative to traditional thyroid surgery when it comes to visible scarring. It is easy to understand the basics of traditional surgery and robotic surgery for managing thyroid patients. The different reasons focusing on the adoption of robotic thyroid surgery make them ideal for patients looking to avoid visible scars.

Cross Border Care ensures high levels of advanced treatments like robotic thyroid surgery in state-of-the-art facilities, expert medical professionals, and customized treatment at the best affordable prices.

Robotic Surgery

Is Thyroid surgery costlier with a robotic system?

Patients looking for treatment for thyroid issues may seek the potential help of robotic thyroid surgery. Several factors contribute to the high cost of thyroid surgery with robotic systems.

Read on to know more about this raise in costs, the key cost factors, and cost vs. benefit analysis on robotic thyroid surgery in this write-up.

Thyroid surgery with robotic system- An outline

While traditional thyroid surgery is performed using open surgery or endoscopic methods, these come with noticeable scarring and long recovery times. The use of advanced surgical robots like the Da Vinci Surgical System in robotic thyroid surgery eliminates the issues of enhanced recovery time, increased postoperative pain, and increased chances of infections with traditional surgery.

Robotic thyroid surgery follows a minimally invasive approach through small incisions either from  transoral routes or transaxillary routes. Hence, the overall recovery time and scarring is reduced in robotic thyroid surgery.

Why is thyroid surgery with robotic systems costlier?

Initial investment costs

Firstly, the investment in robotic surgical systems is high. This is due to the high purchase and maintenance costs of the robotic system used in thyroid surgery. The initial investment in systems like the Da Vinci ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 million USD. 

It is further based on the type of model and configuration. The high initial investment cost of robotic systems covers high-definition 3D visualisation, robotic arms with multiple degrees of freedom, and specialised instrumentation.

Maintenance and operational costs

The robotic systems require dedicated maintenance and operations for smooth efficacy. Regular maintenance, technical support, and software updates add to the overall costs of the robotic surgery. 

Per-procedure costs

Thyroid surgery using robotic systems has considerable procedure requirements like disposable consumable supplies and specialised instruments. These costs are higher than the costs of the traditional thyroid surgery. 

Training and skill development of surgeons

The use of the robotic system for thyroid surgery requires extensive training of surgeons and operating staff. This leads to higher costs per procedure without reducing the efficacy of the surgeons.

Operating room time

The robotic surgery takes longer time than the traditional methods during the learning phase. This longer operating time increases the overall costs linked to the operating rooms. It covers facility overhead, anaesthesia team, and staff time.

Scarcity of Robotic System in India 

The availability of the robotic system in India for thyroid surgery is limited to the metropolitan and big cities only. Hence, patients need to to travel to these regions which adds to the overall treatment costs.

Limited trained surgeons

The training of the surgeons for the robotic thyroid surgery is available in medical excellence regions like the USA. Hence, the overall limited trained surgeons adds to the costs of this robotic treatment.

The average cost of thyroid surgery with the robotic system in India.

Thyroid surgery with robotic systems in India costs around 5,000 USD to 8,000 USD on average. It further depends on the different factors like the patient’s condition, type of hospital, and expertise of the medical professionals.

Cost vs. benefit analysis- Robotic thyroid surgery

When it comes to the cost vs. benefit analysis of the thyroid surgery with robotic systems, there is a fair play for the majority of patients. The availability of the top-class robotic systems, properly maintained robotic arms, and expert processes justifies the robotic system costs.

The expertise of the robotic surgeons and dedicated facilities for the robotic thyroid surgery ensures that patients are less prone to the complications and can enjoy enhanced recovery rates. 

Not to miss is that Cross Border Care can help patients to unlock the benefits of robotic thyroidectomy  while making it as affordable as possible for a broad range of patients.

Robotic Surgery

Why do females with thyroid cancer opt for robotic surgery?

There has been an increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer, especially in females, in the past few years. A growing proportion of female patients with thyroid cancer are choosing robotic surgery as their treatment options change. 

The use of robotic surgery offers several benefits to patients, such as a minimally invasive process, quick recovery, and enhanced precision. Several factors, such as technological improvements, aesthetic preferences, and the possibility of better results, influence this decision. 

This article explores the reasons why female thyroid cancer patients are increasingly choosing robotic thyroidectomy surgery in India as their treatment option.

Top reasons that females with thyroid cancer opt for robotic surgery

Females with thyroid cancer opt for robotic surgery due to the following key factors:

Considerations for Beauty 

The cosmetic benefit is one of the strongest arguments made by female patients in favour of robotic surgery. A large incision at the front of the neck is usually required for traditional thyroid surgery, and this can leave a noticeable scar. This scar can cause psychological distress for a lot of women, which can negatively impact their body image and self-esteem. 

The robotic thyroidectomy surgery in India has a significant cosmetic advantage in that it does not leave visible neck scars. Female patients who are worried about the cosmetic consequences of their surgery may find the hidden scar to be especially alluring. 

Technological Progress 

Medical technology has advanced significantly with the advent of robotic surgery. With devices like the da Vinci Surgical System, surgeons can carry out complex operations with increased control, flexibility, and precision. With the ability to magnify the operating field up to ten times, these robotic systems provide a three-dimensional view that enhances precision in removing cancerous tissues while protecting healthy structures. 

Due to the accuracy of robotic surgery, patients with thyroid cancer may benefit from more successful tumor removal and fewer complications. Robotic surgery uses sophisticated equipment that makes it possible to move more precisely than a human hand could, lowering the possibility of damaging nearby tissues and nerves. This accuracy is essential for thyroid surgeries because they involve critical structures such as the parathyroid glands and vocal cords. Hence, technological progress helps patients and surgeons effectively.

Improved Recuperation and Decreased Pain 

Because robotic surgery is less invasive than traditional open surgery, resulting in shorter recovery times and less pain after the procedure. This means that female patients can resume their daily activities more quickly and will spend less time away from their jobs and families. 

Additionally, less invasive procedures lower the possibility of side effects like infections and excessive bleeding. Patients looking at the thyroid cancer treatment in India can enjoy the overall results and shorten hospital stays. 

Better Results for Oncology Patients 

While the main objective of thyroid cancer surgery is the total removal of cancerous tissues, the technique employed can affect the treatment’s overall efficacy. The accuracy of robotic surgery can result in the complete removal of malignant cells, which may eliminate the need for further therapies like radioactive iodine therapy. 

Research findings suggest that robotic surgery can yield oncological results on par with conventional surgery while also offering advantages like reduced complications and improved cosmetic outcomes. 

This means that female patients will not only receive an effective cancer treatment but also have a decreased chance of needing additional procedures or recurrent surgeries. 

Patient Choice and Empowerment

Patient-centred decision-making is becoming increasingly prevalent in medical procedures. Patients, especially women, are becoming more involved in their healthcare choices and looking for therapies that fit with their lifestyle choices and personal values. 

With so many advantages, robotic thyroidectomy surgery in India offers a choice that many women find satisfying: less invasive treatments, more excellent cosmetic results, and a quicker return to their regular lives. 

In summary 

Several factors, including progressed oncological outcomes, progressed recovery, and aesthetic contemplations, have contributed to the slant of female thyroid cancer patients choosing robotic surgery. Numerous women’s requests and inclinations are tended to by surgery’s negligibly invasiveness and exactness, which give significant points of interest over ordinary strategies. Robotic surgery is anticipated to be more broadly utilized as the profession creates, giving more patients access to proficient and cosmetically satisfying thyroid cancer medications.

With the rise in medical advancements, there is an expected rise in the demand for robotic surgery for thyroid cancer.

Robotic Surgery

What Is The Latest Procedure For Thyroidectomy?

Thyroidectomy refers to the surgical removal of the part or complete thyroid gland for patients suffering from hyperthyroidism, goitre, thyroid cancer, or other thyroid conditions. Being an advanced medical process, it is largely impacted by the developments in the medical field.

Read on to understand the impact of the latest procedures for Thyroidectomy surgery in India. We’ll cover the preoperative considerations, surgical techniques, and the latest innovations in detail.

Thyroidectomy surgery- Preoperative considerations

The preoperative assessments are essential for any patient set to go through a thyroidectomy surgery. 

The latest techniques like assessment of the vocal cord function, imaging studies with CT scans and ultrasound, and evaluating the thyroid functions using blood tests (TSH, T3, and T4) help in assessing the patient’s condition. Based on these results, professional surgeons can decide the right type of Thyroidectomy, which can be:

Total Thyroidectomy

For patients with Graves’ disease, benign nodules, and thyroid cancer, the entire thyroid gland is removed in the total Thyroidectomy process.

Partial Thyroidectomy

It covers the removal of the part of the thyroid gland while leaving the other part intact. It is suitable for patients with Graves’ disease or bilateral benign nodules.

Thyroid lobectomy

It involves the removal of the one lobe of the thyroid gland which is ideal for the benign solitary nodules limited to one lobe.

Latest surgical techniques

The shift in Thyroidectomy surgery is characterized by the following minimally invasive surgical techniques. These methods reduce surgical trauma, speed up the recovery process, and improve cosmetic outcomes. It can be endoscopic Thyroidectomy or robotic-assisted Thyroidectomy:

Endoscopic Thyroidectomy 

It involves small incisions using which the camera and specialized instruments are inserted inside the patient’s body. It allows precise dissection and removal of the thyroid gland. It can be a transaxillary or bilateral axillo-breast approach (BABA). 

The transaxillary endoscopic approach accesses through the armpit while BABA combines access through the axillae and the areola.

Robotic-assisted Thyroidectomy 

It is another type of minimally invasive procedure in which a surgeon uses robotic arms equipped with surgical equipment. Hence, it offers enhanced dexterity and visualisation to surgeons for precise removal of the thyroid gland using small incisions.

Robotic Thyroidectomy surgery cost in Delhi offers the benefits of this minimally invasive surgery which makes it affordable for patients. It is highly effective like endoscopic surgery but requires specialized equipment and training.

Thyroidectomy surgery- Latest innovations

After understanding the surgical methods, here are the newest innovations in the patent safety in Thyroidectomy:

Safety of parathyroid gland

The preservation of the parathyroid gland is essential in the thyroidectomy process. Hence, experienced surgeons understand the need to eliminate the issues like transient or permanent hypoparathyroidism with understanding of the parathyroid anatomy in relation to the thyroid gland.

Harmonic scalpel and energy devices

The use of harmonic scalpels and energy-based devices use ultrasonic vibrations and electrocautery to cut and seal the blood vessels precisely. It is more efficient than the traditional procedure involving surgical clips and ligatures to dissect tissues and control bleeding. 

Nerve monitoring

Intraoperative nerve monitoring (IONM) is a standard practice for eliminating the chances of vocal cord paralysis and Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve (RLN) injury. It involves electrode placement on the vocal cords to assess their function during the surgery to preserve the RLN. 

Increased recovery protocols

The enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols are widely used in modern Thyroidectomy. These focus on optimizing pain management, and nutrition to promote recovery, and ensure quick mobilization.  The use of these protocols ensures that the overall Robotic Thyroidectomy surgery cost in India becomes highly affordable for a wide range of patients.

Risk management in Thyroidectomy surgery

Towards the end, it is vital to have a quick look at the different risk management techniques while understanding the achievements in Thyroidectomy. 

The possible chances of infection, bleeding, RLN injury, or parathyroid gland injury remain high in the Thyroidectomy. However, with the advancements in Thyroidectomy, it is easy for experienced surgeons to adhere to the best practices, intraoperative monitoring, and meticulous preoperative planning.

The ongoing research in Thyroidectomy will further refine the minimally invasive approaches, improve robotic systems, and enhance patient outcomes. The personalized medicine approaches help refine the treatment based on the molecular and genetic profiles of the thyroid conditions.

Summing Up

Thyroidectomy surgery is set to evolve with the latest advancements in perioperative care, surgical techniques, and technological solutions. It is easy to go through the key preoperative considerations, surgical techniques, latest innovations, and effective risk management.

Cross Border offers precise and affordable solutions for advanced treatments like thyroidectomy surgery in the best state-of-the-art medical facilities in India.

Robotic Surgery

Top Three Doctors for Prostate Cancer in India

Prostate cancer cases are rising globally due to several reasons. With no signs or symptoms in the early stages of prostate cancer, it becomes essential to see a doctor if there are troubles in urinating, blood in urine or semen, bone pains, or erectile dysfunction. Hence, many people look for the best doctors for prostate cancer treatment in India.

It is not easy for common patients to find the right doctor for prostate cancer treatment due to obvious reasons. Cross Border Care understands this dilemma of patients and offers the best medical advocate solutions when patients are looking for the ideal prostate cancer doctors in India.

Read below to find out the top and prostate cancer doctors  in Delhi. Go through their educational qualifications, key career highlights, and the achievements of these medical professionals.

Top Three Doctors for Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi

  1. Dr. Rajesh Taneja (Indraprastha Apollo Hospital)

First on our list of the best doctors for prostate cancer treatment in Delhi is Dr. Rajesh Taneja. He is a “Proctor” for Da Vinci’s Robotic prostatectomy in prostate cancer and also serves as a mentor for the Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate (HoLEP). Currently, he is associated with the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital.

Education and Background of Dr. Rajesh Taneja:

  • MBBS
  • MS- General Surgery
  • MCh Urology

Key Highlights of Dr. Rajesh Taneja:

Sr. No. Features Highlights
1 Experience With an experience of more than 38 years, Dr. Taneja is one of the top robotic urologists, andrologists, and robotic surgeons in India. He is a top urologist popular for his excellence in Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate (HoLEP).
2 Areas of Interest Prostatectomy, Benign prostatic hypertrophy, and other prostate-related problems.
3 Previous associations with organizations Worked as a Senior Resident at LNJP Hospital New Delhi; and as a Senior Resident at AIIMS Hospital New Delhi.
4 Record of surgeries Won several prestigious awards from the top associations for treating numerous urology patients.

Achievements of Dr. Rajesh Taneja:

  • Entered Limca Book of World Records for treating a patient from Afghanistan.
  • Established excellence in Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate (HoLEP).
  1. Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat (Medanta, The Medicity)

Secondly, Cross Border recommends Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat as its second choice for the best doctors for prostate cancer surgery in India. He is currently serving as the Chairman of the Urology, Andrology, Kidney and Urology Institute at Medanta, The Medicity. 

Education and Background of Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat:

  • MBBS
  • MS- General Surgery
  • MNAMS- General Surgery
  • MCh- Urology

Key Highlights of Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat:

Sr. No. Features Highlights
1 Experience With an experience of more than 39 years, he has successfully established minimally invasive urology programs like robotic surgery and kidney transplant services.
2 Areas of Interest Radical prostatectomy, radical cystectomy, and related urology conditions.
3 Previous associations with organizations Senior consultant, urology and renal transplantation at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital; and Director, Urology and Renal Transplantation at Fortis Hospital.
4 Record of surgeries Successfully completed more than 600 laparoscopic robotic surgeries and more than 250 renal transplants annually.

Achievements of Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat:

  • Received the prestigious President’s Gold Medal by USI.
  • Established four successful urology and suprarenal transplant programs in India.
  1. Dr. Anant Kumar (Max Hospital)

Last but not least option in the list of the best doctors for prostate cancer treatment in Delhi is Dr. Anant Kumar from the Max Hospital. He is currently serving as the Chairman of urology renal transplant and robotics. 

Education and Background of Dr. Anant Kumar:

  • MBBS
  • MS- General Surgery
  • M.Ch- Urology
  • DNB- Urology 

Key Highlights of Dr. Anant Kumar:

Sr. No. Features Highlights
1 Experience With an experience of more than 36 years, Dr. Kumar is a distinguished robotic and laparoscopic surgeon in India. He is performing robotic-assisted urological surgeries for prostate, kidney, and bladder.
2 Areas of Interest Laparoscopic urology covers radical prostatectomy, cystectomy, and partial nephrology.
3 Previous associations with organizations Worked in Addenbrooke’s NHS foundation, Cambridge, UK as Consultant Urologist; Indraprastha Apollo Hospital as Senior Consultant, Urology and Transplantation; and Fortis Group of Hospitals as Director, Department of Urology, Robotic and Kidney Transplantation.
4 Record of surgeries Successfully conducted more than 500 laparoscopic urology surgeries in the last five years only. (Source:

Achievements of Dr. Anant Kumar:

  • Expert in removing prostate gland by Thulium, green light, and Holmium laser.
  • Precision in Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate, TURP, TURBT, and optical urethrotomy.

Wrapping Up

So, no more issues in finding the best prostate cancer doctors in India when you get the best expert assistance from the Cross Border team.

It is easy to go through the educational qualifications of these specialized doctors, their career highlights, and top achievements. Cross Border ensures that it is easy for prostate cancer patients to select the best hospital based on these details.

Our team takes every possible step to reduce the worries of prostate cancer patients by offering personalized treatment along with the best discounts on medications and diagnoses. The follow-up care after the treatment in the native country of the patient makes the recovery process smooth.

Contact Cross Border today to reach the best prostate cancer doctors in Delhi.

Robotic Surgery

Top Three Hospitals for Prostate Cancer in India

Are you looking for the top hospitals for prostate cancer in India?

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in males. Some prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland only while others may spread too quickly and aggressively. Hence, many people look for the best prostate cancer hospitals in India.

Cross Border brings the benefits of searching for the best hospital for effective and affordable treatment of prostate cancer. It is easy to go through the key highlights and top features of these hospitals.

Read on to find the best prostate cancer hospitals in India.

Top Hospitals for Prostate Cancer Treatment in India

  1. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital

First on our list of the best prostate cancer hospitals in India is the well-known Indraprastha Apollo Hospital. It is a JCI-accredited hospital with ISO 14001, 22000 standard certification. The dedicated Apollo Urology Cancer Center offers specialized care to patients suffering from prostate cancer.

Why Does Cross Border Recommend The Indraprastha Apollo Hospital for Prostate Cancer Treatment in India?

Best diagnosis of Prostate cancer

This hospital offers the best diagnosis for starting the treatment of prostate cancer. The key offerings of Indraprastha Apollo Hospital cover digital rectal exam (DRE), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), transrectal ultrasound, PET CT, MRI, bone scan, or biopsy, genetic testing, bio markers etc. 

Advanced treatment of prostate cancer

The dedicated team of Indraprastha Apollo Hospital focuses on Lap radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy. Professionals use the da Vinci Robotic Surgery System for robotic assisted prostatectomy and radiation therapy or advanced proton therapy.

Expert team of robotic urologists

It offers a comprehensive cancer care team focusing on personalized prostate cancer care. Some of the top names working with Indraprastha Apollo Hospital include Dr. Rajesh Taneja and others.

Exclusive Features of The Indraprastha Apollo Hospital for Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi

Sr. No. Features
1 Offers digital-rectal exam (DRE), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and transrectal ultrasound for diagnosis of prostate cancer.
2 Precise robotic prostatectomy using the da Vinci Robotic Surgery System. 
3 Equipped with radiation therapy, advanced proton therapy, and hormone therapy.
  1. Medanta, The Medicity

Secondly, Cross Border mentions Medanta, The Medicity as the best prostate cancer hospital in India. It is a NABH-accredited hospital with a dedicated team of urologists and cancer specialists. It offers a range of multidisciplinary tumour boards for end-to-end and customized cancer treatments.

Why Does Cross Border Recommend The Medanta, The Medicity for Prostate Cancer Treatment in India?

Expertise in treating prostate cancer

It has a dedicated team of specialists with extensive experience in treating prostate cancer. It offers high-volume treatments of robotic radical prostatectomy with the state-of-the-art MRI fusion transrectal biopsy of the prostate.

Availability of advanced medical technologies

This hospital offers a range of advanced medical technologies for managing a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of prostate cancer. It covers robotic and laparoscopic techniques with high success rates.

Top talents in managing prostate cancer

Not to miss is the exclusive team of professional talents in the urology offered by Medanta, The Medicity. Headed by Dr. Rajesh Kumar Ahlawat, the team has a specialized prostate clinic for managing prostate cancer screening, prostatic hyperplasia, erectile dysfunction, and others.

Exclusive Features of The Medanta, The Medicity for Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi

Sr. No. Features
1 Offers treatment for a range of prostate diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia, voiding dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and prostate cancer screening and prevention
2 Expert in top urology techniques like pelvic floor repair, sling procedure, penile implants, and urethroplasty.
3 Advanced technologies in urology like urodynamics, lithotripsy machine, MRI/TRUS Fusion system, and Renal DTPA scan.
  1. Max Superspeciality Hospital – Saket 

Last but not least, Cross Border recommends Max Hospital as the best prostate cancer hospital in Delhi. It is a JCI and NABH-accredited hospital offering comprehensive and personalized prostate cancer treatment. Along with medical expertise, Max Hospital offers compassionate and supportive care to prostate cancer patients.

Why Does Cross Border Recommend The Max Hospital for Prostate Cancer Treatment in India?

Handles different types of prostate cancer

Max Hospital offers quick treatment of different types of prostate cancer like adenocarcinoma of the prostate, transitional cell carcinoma of the prostate, squamous cell carcinoma of the prostate, and small cell prostate cancer.

Expert diagnosis of prostate cancer

It offers an expert diagnosis of prostate cancer for creating a customized treatment plan. It covers prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests, digital rectal exam (DRE), biomarker tests, genomic testing, and biopsy. 

Range of treatments for prostate cancer

The urology specialists at Max Hospital offer different types of treatment for managing prostate cancer. It covers robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy, retropubic surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and brachytherapy.

Exclusive Features of The Max Hospital for Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi

Sr. No. Features
1 Dedicated diagnosis of prostate cancer- prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, digital rectal exam (DRE), biomarker test, genomic testing, and biopsy.
2 Expert in robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy, retropubic surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy.
3 Offers brachytherapy using a state-of-art machine for successful treatment of prostate cancer.

Final Words

Have you selected the best prostate cancer hospitals in India?

It is easy to find the ideal facilities for affordable, effective, and personalized prostate cancer treatment in India with the help of the Cross Border team. Our team not only helps with the best hospitals but also ensures that prostate cancer patients get the utmost care at these hospitals.

Cross Border team focuses on personalized treatments, covers treatment-related complications, and reduces the surgery time in these best prostate cancer hospitals in Delhi. Not to miss is the personalized follow-up care in the native country of the patient.

Reach the Cross Border team today for prostate cancer treatments now!

Robotic Surgery

Robotic Prostatectomy- Safe and gold standard of care

The safety of the patients is the primary concern when it comes to the use of advanced technologies in the treatment of prostate cancer. Learn about the cost of the robotic prostatectomy  in India and its associated safety concerns in this blog.

Robotic prostatectomy- An overview

It is an advanced process using robotics for the treatment of prostate cancer. Being a minimally invasive procedure, robotic technology assists prostate surgeons to perform the intrinsic task of removing the prostate gland. The focus here is to ensure minimum damage to the surrounding structures.

While searching for the cost of robotic prostatectomy in India, patients find that it is performed with the use of a surgical robot controlled by a trained surgeon. It is easy for surgeons to manipulate the robotic arms to perform precise surgical movements required for prostate removal using small incisions in the patient’s abdomen. 

The robotic system is made up of the following key constituents:

  • Console where the surgeon sits
  • Robotic arms with surgical instruments
  • High-definition cameras offer detailed views of the surgical site

Robotic prostatectomy surgery in India- Epitome of Safety

The primary considerations for making robotic prostatectomy surgery in India is a highly safe medical procedure cover the following:

  • Bloodless Surgery 

To start with, the use of robotic technology in Indian hospitals with a minimally invasive approach to the removal of prostate cancer comes with reduced trauma to the patients. It results in minimum blood loss, fast recovery time, and reduced postoperative pains.

The improved dexterity and precision in the use of robotics for prostate cancer removal ensures that surgeons can navigate the complex anatomical structure of the patient’s body with great accuracy.

  • Infection less 

The key complications in any open surgery include infections, urinary incontinence, and blood clots. Prostatectomy is further associated with eliminating the risk of all these complications as the expert surgeon uses a high-definition camera for the best view of the surgical site. So, when going to hunt for the cost of robotic prostatectomy in India, there are reduced chances of damaging the blood vessels and critical nerves. 

  • Pain less surgery

While looking for the lap prostatectomy cost in India, it is important for many patients to go through a painless surgery. The robotic prostatectomy offers the precise benefits of painless surgery with advanced care under the guidance of robotic prostate surgeons.

  • No effect on sexual function

One of the best and most liked advantages of the robotic prostatectomy is its reduced intervention with the sexual functions. Patients can switch to their regular sexual life after a successful recovery from the surgery.

  • Cost effective due to reduced hospital stay

Hospital stays are never entertaining for patients and associates, especially for foreign patients. The key concerns cover risks of infections at the hospital and disturbed routine of the modern busy or working patients. Robotic prostatectomy in India offers reduced hospital stay as it adopts a minimally invasive technique for the removal of prostate cancer. Hence, no associated risks of infections or mismanagement of personal schedules when going through this advanced treatment.

  • Effective oncologic treatment

When discussing cancer control, medical professionals focus on the oncologic efficacy of the treatment. The robotic prostatectomy has oncologic efficacy comparable to the traditional open surgery. It is calculated based on the studies conducted on patients undergoing robotic prostatectomy with their cancer recurrence rates and long-term survival rates. 

Hence, patients can gain the confidence that they’re receiving not only minimally invasive but equally effective treatment with the affordable robotic prostatectomy cost in Delhi.

Robotic Prostatectomy in India- Gold standard of care at affordable price

When it is about technology, it is vital to go through future developments focusing on its enhanced efficiency. Here are the key promising advancements in the robotic prostatectomy enhancing its safety without compromising quality treatment to patients:

  • Advancements in surgical methods

Many Indian surgeons are now preferring to use robotics when it comes to the management of complex cancers like prostate cancer. This rise in the use of robotic prostatectomy is set to introduce new advancements like simulation programs and training sessions for surgeons which are readily available at costly prices in regions like Europe..

  • Integration of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence

The powerful combination of technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning can open new horizons of safety and accuracy in dedicated medical processes like robotic prostatectomy. The use of AI-enabled tools can help expert Indian surgeons to offer real-time feedback to surgeons during the process to help them make more informed decisions. The search for the affordable cost of robotic prostatectomy in India further suppresses the potential complications.

  • Advancements in imaging technology

The rising developments in imaging technologies like MRI, CT, and PET scans in India can help in the preoperative planning for patients suffering from prostate cancer. It is based on the patient’s unique anatomy and cancer situation. Hence, medical professionals get a golden opportunity to tailor customized and patient-centric approaches to tailor surgical plans and minimize the risks of adverse effects.

Cost of Robotic Prostatectomy in India

Towards the end the robotic prostatectomy cost in Delhi comes around $8,000 to $9,500. It is dependent on the type of the newest robotic technology- Da Vinci Robotic System, expert medical care, and JCI or NABH accredited hospital facilities.

Some of the top recommendations from Cross Border covers Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Max Super Speciality Hospital, and Fortis Memorial and Research Institute.

Summing Thoughts

To sum up, robotic prostatectomy is a relatively safe procedure when compared to the traditional treatments for treating prostate cancer. The key safety considerations make it the primary choice of patients suffering from prostate-related issues. The future scope and developments in the use of robotics for prostatectomy hold the potential to improve the safety and efficiency of the process. 

Cross Border Scare is your right medical advocate when looking for the best doctors/ hospitals for the safe and affordable cost of robotic prostatectomy in India.

Robotic Surgery

Robotic Hip Replacement Surgery- Why do you need it?

A major breakthrough in orthopedic surgery is robotic hip replacement surgery easing the lives of patients suffering from hip joint issues. India is the best place for the dedicated process of upgrading the understanding of results by means of the integration of surgical information and accuracy innovations for handling patients with hip issues.

The causes of the rising utilisation of these methods in India are inspected in this blog. Understand the benefits of this surgery along with the details of robotic hip replacement cost in India.

Hip Replacement Surgery in India

Hip arthroplasty, another title for hip replacement surgery, is the method of supplanting the harmed hip joint components with artificial ones. Individuals with serious joint pain, hip fractures, or other illnesses that block development and cause diligent hip inconvenience in India are ordinarily prompted to have this operation. Many foreign patients prefer this surgery in India only.

In spite of the fact that conventional hip replacement surgeries have been compelling for numerous years, there have been critical headways with the presentation of robotic innovation. Hence, many patients look for robotic hip replacement costs in India.

The key factors affecting the overall cost of hip replacement surgery cover:

  • Use of top technologies 

Indian orthopedic surgeons have experience in minimal access orthopedic surgery. Further, they offer minimally invasive techniques like the Gyroscope-based computer navigation and AI-Assist navigation techniques. Further, Mako hip replacement surgery is precisely performed in India.

  • Quality of implants

The high-quality implants are offered in India with the help of cutting-edge robotic systems like robotic-arm-assisted joint replacement technology, da Vinci surgical system, and robotic renaissance technology. Hence, the reliability of surgery is high when you get quality implants in India from top medical manufacturers like Zimmer, Johnson & Johnson, and other top companies. Not to miss is the affordability in the robotic hip replacement surgery cost in Delhi.

  • Hospital accreditations

The leading hospitals offering the best robotic hip replacement surgeries are JCI or NABH accredited which makes their services at par with the leading foreign healthcare facilities. The adherence to the American medical protocols help patients with the best hospital care.

  • Special care to foreign patients

Indian medical facilities understand the physical and mental stress on the foreign patients. Hence, these offer special care to the foreign patients with reduced waiting time for robotic hip replacement surgery and technologically-assisted medical processes. 

Why is robotic hip replacement surgery costly?

While looking for the best robotic hip replacement surgery cost in India, many think the reason behind the cost of this modern surgery. The meticulous planning involves the preoperative arrangements using advanced imaging strategies, such as CT scans, a comprehensive three-dimensional demonstration of the patient’s hip joint. 

The automated framework offers real-time guidance and criticism amid the robotic hip replacement surgery. This ensures the finest conceivable arrangement and area of the implant. 

The mechanical arm helps the specialist make exact cuts within the bone and places implants. The cost of the robot used in the hip replacement surgery is high due to its benefits of cutting down on the room for human error and offers minimally invasive hip replacement to the patients.

Where to Get the Best Robotic Hip Replacement Surgery in India?

There are a few solid contentions for why you ought to think about having robotic hip replacement surgery in India only. Some of the leading hospitals offering the precise and manageable robotic hip replacement surgery cost in India:

  • Indraprastha Apollo Hospital
  • Max Healthcare
  • Fortis Memorial Research Institute

 Benefits of Robotic Hip Replacement Surgery in India 

  • Expanded Exactness and Accuracy 

Robotic frameworks in India are competent in precision levels that are difficult to coordinate by ordinary methods. The strength and usefulness of the artificial joint are enormously affected by the arrangement and location of the hip embed, which makes precision fundamental. 

  • Custom-made Treatment Programs 

Point-by-point 3D imaging is utilised amid the preoperative arranging stage to redo the method to your special anatomy by Indian robotic surgeons. By guaranteeing an exact fit, this customisation improves joint work and reduces postoperative pain related to the implant. 

  • Diminished Chance of Issues 

The likelihood of issues amid and after surgery is diminished by the accuracy and control advertised by robotic gadgets available in India. Exact cuts and implant arrangements result in decreased tissue harm, which advances speedier recuperating and a diminished chance of contamination. Moreover, a surgical result that’s more predictable is accomplished by limiting human blunders while staying affordable on the robotic hip replacement surgery cost in India.

  • Faster Rehab and Recuperating 

Recuperation periods after robotic hip replacement surgery in India are habitually shorter for patients. Less postoperative distress and speedier preparation are the benefits of the robotic hip replacement’s slightest invasiveness and correct execution. Compared to conventional strategies, early recovery empowers patients to continue their regular exercises and progresses their quality of life sooner.

  • Superior Surgical Results 

Investigate has illustrated that, as compared to customary strategies, hip replacement strategies performed with automated help have prevalent general results. Upgraded joint work, expanded patient fulfilment, and a diminished rate of complications and amendment operations are a few of these results of getting treatment in India. 

Summing Up

With several benefits over customary methods, robotic hip replacement surgery could be a progressive approach to addressing serious hip illnesses. Patients trying to find treatment for diligent hip pain and mobility concerns may discover it to be a compelling choice due to its precision, customisation, and progressed results. 

In case you’re considering having a hip substitution, a conversation to Cross Border can bring the benefits of precise, affordable, and quality treatment options in India. 


Robotic Surgery

Conventional vs Robotic Knee Replacement

For people with crippling knee pain and limited mobility, knee replacement surgery has been a game-changing treatment. Conventional knee replacement surgeries have been performed for a long time and are a quite popular and affordable alternative. However, the introduction of robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery has given this area a fresh perspective, promising more precision, individualized care, and maybe better patient outcomes. In this article, we will try to understand the basic differences between Conventional vs Robotic Knee Replacement.

While both methods have their own pros and cons, a patient must consider a lot of factors before deciding the best treatment alternative.

Conventional Knee replacement surgery

Total knee arthroplasty, often known as conventional knee replacement surgery, is a well-known treatment that has been carried out for many years. Patients with severe knee arthritis, major joint destruction, or persistent knee discomfort are frequently advised to get it. In a traditional knee replacement procedure, the afflicted joint is accessed by the orthopedic surgeon making an incision at the front of the knee. The residual bone is then prepped to fit the prosthetic components after the damaged cartilage and bone surfaces of the knee joint have been removed.

To achieve adequate alignment and stability, the surgeon balances the ligaments that surround the knee. Its limits in terms of precision and customization, however, have prompted the creation of robotic-assisted knee replacement procedures.


Traditional knee replacement surgery, entails the following crucial steps:

  • Anesthesia: The patient receives either regional anesthesia, which numbs the lower body, or general anesthesia, which renders the patient unconscious.
  • Incision: An 8 to 10-inch-long incision is normally made in the front of the knee by the orthopedic surgeon. Smaller incisions may be made in some situations thanks to the use of minimally invasive procedures.
  • Bone preparation: Using specialized surgical equipment, the worn-out cartilage and bone surfaces within the knee joint are meticulously removed. To provide a smooth surface for the prosthetic components, the surgeon cuts the femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone) ends.
  • Implant placement: The doctor fixes the prosthetic parts to the cleaned-out surfaces of the bone. The tibial component, which is normally composed of metal with a plastic insert, is fixed to the top of the tibia, while the femoral component, which is typically made of metal, is fixed to the end of the femur. A patellar component (a plastic button) may also be placed in some circumstances to replace the kneecap’s underside.
  • Ligament balancing: To ensure that the knee joint is properly aligned and stable, the surgeon evaluates and modifies the tension of the surrounding ligaments. This stage is essential for developing a stable and effective knee.
  • Closing the wound: The incision is stitched or stapled shut, and a sterile dressing is placed over it to keep it clean.
  • Recovery and rehab: Following surgery, the patient is transferred to a recovery room and under close observation. Immediately following surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation activities are usually started in order to speed up the healing process, regain range of motion, strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, and make it easier to walk and bear weight.

It is important to understand that the procedure’s exact specifications may change depending upon the patient’s situation and the surgeon’s preferences. The surgeon’s ability and experience in making accurate bone incisions, obtaining optimal component alignment, and maintaining adequate ligament balance are crucial to the outcome of traditional knee replacement surgery.

Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

Robotic knee replacement surgery is a cutting-edge medical advancement that makes use of robotic-assisted technology to improve the precision, accuracy, and customizability of the surgery. A robotic system is used along with the orthopedic surgeon’s knowledge, frequently using a robotic arm which is a specialized surgical platform.


The steps followed in a robotic knee replacement procedure are typical as follows:

  • Preoperative planning: Imaging scans, such as CT or MRIs, are performed on the patient before surgery in order to produce a 3D virtual model of the patient’s knee joint. The surgeon can use this digital model to plan the process, including the precise placement and alignment of the implants.
  • Robotic assistance: The orthopedic surgeon controls the robotic arm during surgery using a computerized system. The surgeon uses a console to operate the cutting tools and specialized instruments that are mounted on the robotic arm. The robotic system helps to carry out the predetermined surgical approach by providing real-time feedback.
  • Mapping knee joint: The robotic technology maps the patient’s knee joint in great detail, enabling precise identification of the bone surfaces, ligaments, and other structures. The mapping aids the surgeon in deciding where and how to align the implants for the best results.
  • Bone preparation and implant placement: The robotic arm helps the surgeon to precisely shape the bone surfaces to accommodate the prosthetic components during the preparation of the bone and implant insertion. The robotic device ensures the diseased tissue is removed precisely and bone cutting is done accurately. Following careful positioning, the implants are fixed in place.
  • Real-time modifications: As the procedure progresses, the robotic system gives the surgeon feedback in real-time, allowing the surgeon to make exact adjustments based on the patient’s particular anatomy and alignment.
  • Recovery: Following the completion of the robotically assisted surgery, the incision is closed, and the patient is then transferred to a recovery area. The recovery and rehabilitation process is just similar to the traditional recovery.

There are numerous advantages of robotic knee replacement surgery such as increased implant location precision, decreased chance of problems, lessened tissue damage, quicker recovery, and greater long-term results. It’s crucial to keep in mind that not all patients may be good candidates for this method and that hospitals and surgeons may not all have access to robotic-assisted systems.

Conventional vs Robotic Knee Replacement: Which is Better

With the help of robotic technology, robotic knee replacement surgery can increase the precision and accuracy of the implant. The surgeon can make the required adjustments during the procedure with the help of the robotic system’s real-time input, resulting in the best possible results.

Traditional knee replacement surgery has a long and successful history. Experienced surgeons have had great success with these treatments in terms of pain alleviation, functional improvement, and patient satisfaction. The availability and accessibility of traditional surgery are much greater than those of robotic-assisted surgery, which may only be performed at a few centers.

It is important to understand that the result of knee replacement surgery depends on a number of factors like personal choices of the patient, postoperative care, and rehabilitation. A careful approach should be taken for each patient’s circumstances, including factors like severity of their ailment, their anatomy, and level of experience of the surgeon.

Still, If you are facing any confusion about Conventional vs Robotic Knee Replacement which one is better then contact us at  We have a team of doctors to assist you in making the most suitable decision for you and your health.

Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery – Types, Importance & How Does it Works

Robotic Surgery – An Overview

Robotic surgery is an advanced form of minimally invasive surgery that utilizes computer-controlled robots to perform intricate surgical tasks that may be challenging or less effective for human surgeons. Due to its accuracy and better patient results, this surgical method has grown in popularity in India.

Robotic hands are more flexible and petite than human hands, allowing them to maneuver through the body’s microscopic places. Moreover, robotic surgery’s utilization of mechanical components results in smoother and more regulated motions, reducing tissue stress while being performed. Technology development has completely changed the medical industry with 15 advanced surgical robotic systems including Da Vinci X, Da Vinci Xi, Next Gen Versius, ExcelsiusGPS and CORI surgical system that has been used at the Top hospitals in India.

How Does Robotic Surgery Work?

During an automated surgery session, the surgeon controls the robotic arms holding the surgical instruments from a unique console with hand and foot controls. The robot’s movement scale, which governs how far its arm tip moves for every inch the surgeon’s hand moves, can be changed by the surgeon.

A tiny 3D camera is put into the patient’s body to provide a clear picture of the surgical field. This camera delivers a magnified 360° view of the surgical site to a high-quality monitor. A second surgeon or surgical technician stays near the patient to ensure the surgical tools are correctly positioned and operating.

Robotic surgery has revolutionized the medical industry in India by giving doctors more control and precision during complicated surgical procedures. Both patients and surgeons like it because it offers shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and a lower chance of complications.

Why Is Robotic Surgery Important?

Significant improvements in the field of medicine have led to longer and healthier lives. Yet, it’s crucial to consider all choices, including minimally invasive techniques like robotic surgery, if you or a loved one needs surgery.

With the use of robotics, surgeons can now carry out delicate operations with more accuracy and less trauma, including hernia repair, gallbladder removal, hysterectomy, and prostatectomy. These and other advantages of robotic surgery are available in India.

A high-definition 3D camera and miniature instruments are put into the body during a robotic surgery, while the surgeon operates the instruments from a console close by. The surgical system subsequently executes the procedure by precisely translating the actions of the surgeon.

Robotic surgery has many benefits for the majority of patients, including

●     Less pain and bleeding after the procedure,

●     Smaller and fewer scars,

●     More accuracy in joint replacements,

●     Faster recovery times,

●     Shorter stays in the hospital,

●     A lower risk of infection.

Robotics Surgery For Eye Conditions

Technology development has completely changed the medical industry, particularly in surgery. Robotic eye surgery is a stunning example of how technology has permeated the operating room, making surgery more precise and minimally invasive.

Robotic arms and complex computer algorithms are used in robotic eye surgery to perform difficult procedures like making incisions, removing tissue, and fixing damage. The risk of human error is decreased thanks to this fine degree of control, which also enables surgeons to provide the best patient results.

Faster recovery times, a lower chance of problems, and enhanced vision are just a few advantages of robotic eye surgery. Robotic eye surgery comes in various forms, each intended to treat a particular eye disease. Robotic eye surgery can change how we approach eye surgery, from cataract surgery to vision correction surgery.

Centre for Sight and Eye 7 Hospitals specializes in FEMTOSECOND robotic surgery. Bladeless Femto Laser Surgery is a form of eye surgery where all the surgical steps are the same as those followed in basic eye surgery, except that a computerized laser is used to perform cataract surgery. As no blades and needles are used in the surgery, the Bladeless Femto Laser Surgery is much more precise than standard eye surgery. This surgical procedure is widely used to remove cataracts.

As being a pioneer name in the field of robotic eye surgery Dr. Mahipal S Sachdev has introduced Femtocatarct technology and iLASIK technology for treating cataracts in India. Robotic cataract eye surgery has various advantages over traditional cataract eye surgery. Dr Rahil Chaudhary,Senior Consultant, Eye 7 hospital holds Guinness world record holder for contoura vision lasik surgery by carrying 250 procedures in a single day.

Major robotic specialities

  • Bladeless and Robotics eye surgery
  • Robotic cataract eye surgery
  • Smile laser eye surgery
  • Contoura vision surgery

Robotics GI Surgery

At GI Robotic Surgery it offers patients the most cutting-edge, minimally invasive surgical methods possible. A team of highly qualified surgeons like Dr. Surender Dabas, Dr. Deep Goel uses the da Vinci Surgical System to carry out surgeries with greater dexterity, control, and precision.

In addition to colorectal surgery, hernia repair, and gallbladder removal. It strives to offer patients the most cutting-edge and successful surgical procedures to minimize discomfort, scars, and recovery time.

GI Robotic Surgery is dedicated to patient care excellence and works to give patients the highest possible degree of comfort, security, and happiness.

The da Vinci Surgical System is the most sophisticated platform for GI surgery currently available, with more than 2500 units installed in 1500 hospitals like Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Artemis Hospital, Fortis Memorial, Max PPG, Medanta, Manipal hospital, Max-BLK Hospitals worldwide. One of its kind in North India, the hospital’s M6 CyberKnife Robotic System lessens pain and increases surgical precision.

It is a strong, less invasive substitute for laparoscopy and open surgery for the GI system with potential benefits for a variety of conditions. It works by transferring the surgeon’s hand motions into precise, in-body movements of the surgical tools. The surgeon can closely inspect the surgical site thanks to the system’s advanced imaging technology, which provides a 3D view of the area.

The ability to scale down the surgeon’s movements enables even tiny and precise movements. Depending on the patient’s condition and the surgeon’s level of experience, the da Vinci system may be used during GI surgery.

Robotics Gynae Surgery

Since its inception, medicine has advanced significantly, and with current technology, the potential is apparently endless. Robotic gynecology, a minimally invasive surgical treatment carried out with a robot’s assistance, is one such innovation that has completely transformed the medical sector.

Robotic gynecology, often called robot-assisted gynecologic surgery, is a surgical approach that allows gynecologists to carry out intricate treatments with greater control, accuracy, and adaptability than ever before. The surgeon controls a robot from a console in the operating room to carry out the procedure.

Robot assisted hysterectomy and Myomectomy are the two main forms of robotic gynecology operations. The ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic organs can all be operated on with robot assistance during laparoscopic surgery. On the other hand, the uterus is removed via a robot-assisted hysterectomy.

Given its increasing popularity, it is safe to conclude that Robotic Gynae is here to stay and will continue to provide a better and more efficient way of doing gynecologic surgery.

Robotic gynecological surgery uses minimally-invasive techniques to carry out gynecological procedures quickly, accurately, and precisely. BL Kapur Hospital, Apollo Hospital, Artemis Hospital, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Manipal Hospital, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, in India offers this cutting-edge surgical method for patients requiring gynecological procedures.

The hospital employs the Da Vinci robotic surgical system, which has an extremely sophisticated robotic hand with several degrees of freedom and enables surgeons to carry out delicate surgeries with more control and dexterity.

Several robotic gynecological procedures may be carried out, such as:

  • Hysterectomy using robots
  • Automatized myomectomy
  • Automated sacrocolpopexy
  • Robotic surgery for endometriosis
  • Tubal reanastomosis with robots
  • Ovarian cystectomy with robots

Robotics Heart Surgery

With the help of robotic arms, a high-definition camera, and other minimally invasive techniques, major cardiac surgeries can be performed with unmatched accuracy and precision thanks to robotic heart surgery. Robotic surgery at Max Saket, Fortis Gurugram, Manipal hospital Dwarika, Apollo hospital, can speed up patient recovery by giving doctors a 3D image of the heart and more dexterity while lowering the risk of complications.

Expert surgeons like Dr Y K Mishra, Dr. Mukesh Goel, and technicians are committed to offering patients the best possible care in Delhi. It provides a variety of operations, such as atrial septal defect repair, mitral valve replacement, and coronary artery bypass grafting.

Robotic Heart Surgery aims to advance the area of cardiac surgery and enhance the lives of the patients treated.

Robotics Surgery For Joint Replacement

The development of robotic joint replacement in orthopedics is creative and interesting. The joint implant is placed in this surgical process, and cuts are made with extreme precision utilizing a robotic arm. With many advantages over conventional techniques, this cutting-edge technology has completely changed how joint replacement surgeries are carried out.

With a computer application, a doctor can generate a 3D model of a patient’s body and make a 3D image of the patient’s body. The robotic arm uses this model to direct the surgeons like Dr Bhatacharjee, Dr Hemant Sharma, Dr Anil Arora, Dr Ashwani Mianchand, Dr Ashish Chaudhary, Dr Shubash Jangit in real time, enabling more accurate incisions and implant placement. A perfect fit and alignment of the joint implant can be achieved during surgery because of the robotic arm’s ability to make changes and repairs.

Robotic joint replacement techniques come in various forms, including hip and knee replacements. The Hospitals like Max Healthacre, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Medanta the Medicity,Indraprastha Apollo hospital, Artemis hospital, Aakash Hospital , CK Birla Punjabi Bagh , Sarvodya hospital, W  Partiksha has used this advanced technology to enhance the surgical results, lessen problems, and speed up patient recovery. Robotic joint replacement (Robotic Knee and Hip Replacement) presents a promising future for joint replacement surgery with its precision and accuracy.

Robotics Spine Surgery

Modern robotic technology is used in robotic spine surgery to carry out spine surgery with unmatched precision and accuracy. A highly trained surgeon controls the surgical robot used in this kind of surgery via a console. The robot is used in robotic surgery.

A preoperative CT scan or MRI helps the robot precisely map the patient’s anatomy during robotic spine surgery. The surgeon then uses the enhanced imaging capabilities of the robot to direct the surgical tools to the afflicted region of the spine. As a result, there is less tissue damage, less blood loss, and a shorter recovery period for the patient during the less intrusive and accurate procedure.

Open surgery and minimally invasive surgery are the two primary methods of robotic spine surgery. Open surgery requires a larger incision and standard surgical tools, whereas minimally invasive robotic spine surgery employs smaller incisions and specialized instruments to access the damaged portion of the spine.

The most sophisticated minimally invasive robotics procedure for spinal, orthopedic, and neurological conditions, Mazor X Stealth Edition, CORI surgical system, Next Gen Versius, Da Vinci X, and Da Vinci Xi. making it the first healthcare facility in India to do so.

Robotic spine surgery at Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, BLK Max Super specialty, uses small incisions. It minimizes the impact on the surrounding area in contrast to traditional open spine surgery. That uses a large incision and causes significant disruption to nearby tissues. Compared to traditional open spine surgery, robotic spine surgery has less pain, a quicker recovery, and a lower risk of complications.

Surgeons can carry out difficult operations with more ease and control. Patients experience a quicker recovery period and improved surgical outcomes.

These surgeries are performed by an expert team of doctors led by Dr. H.S. Chhabra, Dr. Harshavardhan Hedge, Dr. Puneet Girdhar, who are world-renowned for their surgical expertise.

Robotics Surgery For Thoracic Conditions

Thoracic surgery is performed using robotic technology in a sophisticated surgical approach called robotic thoracic surgery. Lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and heart disease are illnesses that might affect the organs in the chest and are treated with this kind of surgery.

A surgeon directs a robotic system containing tiny instruments coupled to robotic arms while operating. The surgeons like Dr. Arvind Kumar, Dr. Pramoj Jindal, has great precision and accuracy thanks to the robotic arms placed into small incisions in the patient’s chest.

Max Healthcare, Medanta the Medicity, Artemis hospital are well renowned for their Robotic thoracoscopic surgery (RTS). Robotic thoracoscopic surgery (RTS) and robotic-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS) are the two primary varieties of robotic thoracoscopic surgery (RTS). When doing minimally invasive surgery, RATS uses a robotic system, whereas RTS uses a robotic system to make small incisions in the chest.

Faster recovery times, less discomfort, and lesser scars are just a few advantages of robotic thoracic surgery. It is a new surgical method that is revolutionizing thoracic surgery since it is both inventive and successful.

Robotics Thyroidectomy Surgery

Modern surgical methods like robotic thyroidectomy surgery have completely changed how thyroid diseases are treated. Advanced robotic technology is used in this minimally invasive treatment to remove the thyroid gland, which leads to reduced scarring, little discomfort, and a quicker recovery.

A tiny camera and robotic arms with surgical instruments are inserted into the neck through tiny incisions made by the surgeon during the surgery. The thyroid gland is subsequently removed using these devices, which offer highly accurate and exact control. The robotic arms allow for a broader range of motion than the human hand, and the surgeon may view the surgical field in high-definition, three-dimensional images.

Transaxillary and retro auricular robotic thyroidectomy procedures are the two basic subtypes. Incisions are done in the armpit for transaxillary thyroidectomies and behind the ear for retro auricular thyroidectomies. There is less scarring and less postoperative pain with both techniques.

Robotics Urology Surgery

Advanced robotic technology is used in minimally invasive robotic urology surgery to carry out surgeries on the urinary system. Shorter hospital stays, quicker recoveries, and a lower chance of complications are just a few advantages that patients can enjoy thanks to this extremely accurate and efficient surgical procedure like Prostatectomy (the extraction of the prostate), Partial and Radical Nephrectomy (the removal of a portion or the entirety of the kidney), and Pyelo/Ureteroplasty (the removal and reconstruction of a segment of the urinary tract).

A surgeon controls robotic arms that are outfitted with surgical instruments during the procedure via a computer interface. The robotic arms are put into the patient’s body through tiny incisions, and the surgeon like Dr. Rajesh Kumar Ahlawat, Dr. Anant Kumar, Dr. Sanjay Gogoi, Dr. Pradeep Bansal, Dr. Narmada Prasad Gupta, Dr. Gagan Gautam, Dr. Anshuman Agarwal, controls them from a distance while viewing the surgery site through a high-definition camera.

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Artemis Hospital, Fortis Memorial Research Institute , Max Healthcare, Medanta the Medicity, Manipal hospital, Max- BLK Hospitals uses Robotic urology procedures that come in various forms, such as robotic pyeloplasty, robotic cystectomy, and robotic-assisted prostatectomy. Each treatment focuses on a different urinary system region and has special advantages for patients.

Robotics Weight Loss Surgery

Robotic weight loss surgery uses a robot to perform weight loss procedures, making it a minimally invasive surgical technique. A surgeon like Dr. Arun Prasad, Dr. N.C.Peters, Dr. Vivek Bindal, Dr. Adarsh Chaudhary, Dr PradeepChowbey operates the robotic arms from a console while using a small camera and surgical instruments that are attached to them. This method enables more control and precision throughout the procedure, resulting in less discomfort and scarring, a quicker recovery, and fewer issues.

The three primary forms of robotic weight loss surgery are the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the sleeve gastrectomy, and the adjustable gastric band. A small pouch is made at the top of the stomach after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and the small intestine is then directed to this pouch. A big section of the stomach is removed during a sleeve gastrectomy to make room for a smaller stomach, and an adjustable gastric band is wrapped around the stomach to form a smaller pouch. At Manipal hospital, BLK Hospital, Apollo Hospital, Max Hospital, Medanta, RG Stone, Fortis Memorial this Robotic surgery is performed by a well-trained and highly educated medical professional by using some of the most advanced Robotic facilities available in India.

For those who are obese and have tried alternative weight loss techniques without success, robotic weight loss surgery is a viable choice. Its many advantages have gained popularity as a weight loss surgical option. Robotic bariatric surgery is a cutting-edge method that offers a reliable solution for individuals seeking to achieve lasting weight loss. This approach is both safe and efficient, allowing medical professionals to conduct various weight loss procedures such as gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.

The Robotic system enables the surgeon to sit at a console in close proximity to the patient during surgery and manipulate small instruments with great control. Moreover, the system includes an optic camera that offers high-definition 3D visuals for doctors to observe. Overall, this technology enhances surgical accuracy and precision by providing a magnified, three-dimensional view of the operating field.