.... ...... Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Surgery Cost in India - Crossborders Care Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Surgery Cost in India - Crossborders Care

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Surgery Cost in India

ACDF surgery

Find the best care at Top Hospitals for Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Procedures.

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF surgery) is a surgical procedure performed to relieve symptoms caused by a herniated disc or spinal stenosis in the cervical (neck) region of the spine. When a person suffers from a herniated disc, then the gel-like center of a spinal disc bulges out from a tear in the disc’s outer ring.

On the other hand, spinal stenosis is a condition where the spinal canal narrows and starts exerting pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. Both conditions can lead to neck pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms and hands.

India offers the best choice for Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion procedures due to its highly skilled and experienced surgeons, advanced medical facilities, and affordable cost. The process is performed with precision and care, ensuring positive outcomes for patients who undergo ACDF Surgery in India. 

ACDF Surgery Delhi: The Diagnosis

  • Physical Examination
  • X-Rays
  • Magnetic resonance imaging

Minimal Invasive Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Surgery in India

Unlike traditional ACDF surgery, minimal invasive ACDF surgery in India uses a small incision of no more than 1.5 inches near the front of the neck to access the spine. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, with the patient positioned face-up on the operating table.


The top surgeon for ACDF surgery in India uses a tubular retractor to separate and hold the neck muscles and soft tissues apart during the procedure and may wear special magnifying eyeglasses or use a surgical microscope for a microscopic view of the surgical field. The damaged disc is removed, and a bone graft is placed between the vertebrae to promote fusion. A cervical plate or stand-alone implant may be used to provide additional stability. The procedure usually takes 30-45 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis.

Robotic ACDF Surgery, the future of spine surgery

Robotic ACDF surgery in India is also a type of minimal incision surgery that offers more accuracy and precision. 3D high-definition robotic vision enables surgery to perform precise surgery, this helps in preventing injury to nerves and spinal cord during surgery. A robotic arm is used to assist the surgeon in placing a bone graft and screws to stabilize the spine.

Robotic ACDF surgery is considered painless, infection and bloodless surgery and the recovery period is short.

Types of Implant Used in ACDF surgery

Interbody cages

They are small, cylindrical-shaped devices that are inserted between the vertebrae. They are made of biocompatible materials like titanium.

PEEK cages

Polyetheretherketone cages are just like traditional interbody cages. However, they are lightweight and made of synthetic material. They are resistant to wear and tear and are also radiolucent.

Stand-alone screws and rods

They are used to provide stability and support to the spine. And can be used with an interbody cage to give additional strength.

Hybrid constructs

Hybrid constructs combine different implants, like interbody cages and pedicle screws. It provides more stability and support to the spine.

3D printed implant

3D-printed implants are more tailored solutions as they are custom manufactured for the patient. They are made from biocompatible materials like titanium but are expensive. Some best 3D implant manufacturers are Nexxt Spine, Medtronic, and Spine Vision.

Approximate Cost of ACDF Surgery in India

ACDF or Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed to treat degenerative disc disease in the neck region. It involves removing the damaged disc and fusing the adjacent vertebrae to stabilize the spine. The surgery is recommended for patients experiencing severe pain, numbness, and weakness in the neck, arm, or hands due to compressed nerves in the spine.

Some factors affecting the cost of ACDF surgery in India are:

  • Type of hospital ( Public or private)
  • Accreditation of the hospital
  • Skill and expertise of the neurosurgeon
  • Medication costs pre and post surgery
  • Patient condition and co-morbidities
  • Duration of treatment
  • Geographical location of the hospital
  • Hospitalization expenses
  • The type and frequency of diagnostic procedures
  • The choice of treatment modality
  • Complications if any
  • Government policies and subsidies
  • Hospital reputation and infrastructure
  • Any discounts offered by the medical facility
  • Dollar exchange rates
  • Insurance coverage
  • Rehabilitation post-surgery

Understanding these factors can help patients plan and budget for ACDF surgery in India effectively.

Cost Of ACDF surgery in Top Hospitals of India

Hospital Cost
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital $7500
Max Super Speciality Hospital Saket $6500
Artemis Hospital $5500
Amrita Hospital $5000
Indian Spinal Injuries Centre $5500

Stay in hospital

You will need to stay in the hospital for 2 days after your surgery.

Stay in India

Due to the nature of the ACDF surgery, you will need to stay in India for a minimum of 15 days.

Success rate

India boasts a 99% success rate for ACDF procedures, cementing its reputation as a leader in spinal surgery.

Top ACDF surgery doctors in Delhi

  • Dr Arun Saroha – MCh – Neuro Surgery, MBBS – Neurosurgeon, Spine Surgeon (Neuro) -Max Super Speciality Hospital Saket, 25 years of experience.
  • Dr Rajendra Prasad , Senior Consultant, Department of Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, 36 years of experience.
  • Dr HS Chabra– Orthopaedic – Spine Surgeon – MBBS, MS – Indian Spinal Injuries Center, 35 years of experience,
  • Dr Sandeep Vaishya – Neurosurgery -HOD & Executive Director -Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, 34 years of experience.
  • Dr Hitesh Garg – Head – Ortho Spine Surgery, Artemis Hospitals, 15 years of experience.
  • Dr Saurabh Rawall – Senior Consultant Spine Surgeon – Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, 12 years of experience
  • Dr Vineesh Mathur – Director, Division of Spine, Institute Of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Orthopaedics, Medanta the Medicity, Gurugram.

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